Chapter 11

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   I took off running, full speed away from the car. I heard my mother shout my name out the window, but I ignored it. But what I couldn't ignore was that I heard a second car door slam.

   I whipped my head around for a split second to see Jason running.

   After me.


   I pushed my legs to go faster. You would think that since I was a dancer and a cheerleader that I would be in somewhat of shape so a quick run would be nothing.

   Not really.

   I wasn't the slowest runner - but I definitely wasn't the fastest one either. And I knew for a fact that a guy like Jason, being all built and muscly, would be faster than me. I might as well have been a lost cause.

   But I continued to run, even when the school was out of sight. I listened to my feet pounding against the sidewalk and my breathing got quicker. The wind blew my hair backwards, thankfully. It would be next to impossible to run if my hair was in my face.

   I took a sharp turn into the public park, in attempt to loose Jason.


   He was hot on my trail and he was gaining on me. Crap.

   "Come on." I muttered to myself. Run faster!

   As if yelling at myself mentally helped, I started to run faster. So fast, that I feared tripping. Oh god...

   But I was going pretty quick, considering the fact that I was in skinny jeans. Thankfully, I didn't wear heels today. If I did, then I would have two broken ankles right about now.

  To my shock, I passed a runner, who was an actual runner. He was toned and muscly, with a six pack and everything.

   Whoa, god damn, I must have been flying.

   I knew it wouldn't last long but I kept going anyways.

   I ran along the sidewalk of the park until I mentally said screw it and ran across the grass and toward the children's playground.

   I dodged the small children and ran through the sandbox and out the park gate before I turned around.

   My heart sank.

   He was even closer than before.

   Uhhh..... crap.

   Damn, this guy was like a machine. I was totally out of breath and he was acting like it was a jog in the park.

   Well, it kind of was.

   I tried to race down the sidewalk but someone grabbed me around the waist, pulling me to a stop.

   You'll never guess who it was.

   Santa Clause. Ha! I wish........

   Freaking Jason.

   He turned me around quickly and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed in protest but he ignored it. I pounded my fists against his back while he started his way back toward the park.

   "Jason freaking let me the hell down! I'll kick you so hard that you'll never have children!!! I swear to God, let me the fuck go!" I screamed in my loudest voice, ignoring how tired I felt from the run.

   Suddenly, I felt the soft grass below me. And to my shock, Jason was hovering over me.

   "Careful with the language, Princess. There are kids in this park." His dark eyes were full of humor.

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