Chapter 22

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   "Move your frickin' arm, Jason." I hissed while slamming my elbow into his. I rightfully claimed the armrest on the airplane seat. But my victory was short lived.

   Jason silently snickered at me and then he effortlessly knocked my arm away, robbing me of my armrest. Of course, he didn't really care if he had the armrest or not; he just thought that bugging the crap out of me was just the funniest game ever.

   "Jason, I swear to God-" My angry threats were interrupted.

   "You lovely, lovely children who I love both very much," My mother stated softly but then began hissing with anger. "Shut. Up."

   "Sorry, Mrs. Devin." My head snapped toward Jason's seat and I immediately came face to face with a knowing, annoying smile.

   What a suck up.

   "Sorry, Mrs. Devin." I imitated his deep voice lamely, only to cause his smile to grow.

   "Jennifer?" My mother's soft voice came in a whisper.

   "Yes mother?"

   "Shut. Up." She growled.

   I had that coming.

   And yet I still gaped at her words. Sure, I totally deserved it but I was still offended. I leaned back in the airplane seat and stubbornly crossed my arms over my chest. It was only eleven in the morning and we were on a plane, flying back to California. Our one day vacation in Oregon was.... well, I wasn't sure if it was good or bad but I sure wouldn't call it your average vacation.

   My mother had gotten drunk the night before, which now she was recovering from. That should explain why she was snapping at everyone. And I still wasn't sure which was weirder, that Jason actually opened up to me or that Jason and I kissed.

   The thought of his lips touching mine made me shiver. Again, I wasn't sure if it was a shiver or disgust or excitement.

   And after Jason told me about.... his mother.... it grew very quiet between us. We had to be sitting there for at least ten minutes in silence. I honestly didn't know what to say. I didn't want to say "I'm sorry". I mean, who wants to hear that? Sometimes it seem like saying "I'm sorry" to someone was just an easy way out.

   But Jason eventually, and thankfully, broke the silence and ended up talking about us. Ehh.... 

   But we both agreed that what happens in Oregon, stays in Oregon. Whatever that kiss meant last night, which I still was trying to figure out, had to be killed, or at least hidden, due to the fact of my mother. It was weird now, how Jason and I just bounced right back to our old relationship. I wasn't sure how I felt about acting like the kiss never happened. It hurt my feelings in a way but then again, I seriously didn't want my mom finding out about it.




    I put on my dancing heels.

   I was now back in California, where the sun was shining burtally. But what I hated more then the boring sunshine was school. And what I hated more then school was my annoying dance partner, Matt.

   Sometimes I wondered if Matt got on my nerves more then Jason did.

   Yes, yes he did. By a long shot.

   "Where the hell were you yesterday?" Oh great.

   "Why do you care, Matt?" I questioned back, annoyed.

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