Chapter 26

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   "Keep your head down!" Jason forced the back of my head down with his hand.

   I never thought I would ever be in a car chase.

   Like ever.

   Jason drove recklessly down a back road, some kind of older Ford car not far behind us.

   Not to mention they were shooting bullets at the Ferrari we were in.

   My heart pounded furiously in my chest and a scream was caught somewhere in my throat. Sweat was dripping down the back of my neck. We were both going to die, I couldn't help but think.

   Who would do this to us? Who would want to hurt us like this? I didn't have an answer. I had a feeling that whoever the person was also had to be the person who sent those mysterious packages to my door. Maybe it was my father, or my idiotic dance partner, Matt, or maybe it was my ex-boyfriend, Justin.... Again, I didn't have an answer. I needed an answer. I was desperate to know.

   So for about the seventh time I lifted my head from my lap and looked over the shoulder of the seat, trying to eye the person driving the old, Ford car.


   The sound came before the bullet. Even with a seat belt on, I almost went crashing into Jason's side as Jason swerved on the road, dodging the bullet that came deadly close to one of the car's tires.

   "Did you not hear me?! Keep your god damn head down!" Jason yelled for the eighth time now and the back of my head was suddenly pushed down by Jason's hand, again. "Please." He quickly added on lamely as he swerved the car to the right, causing me to crash into the car door.

   "Take your own damn advice and keep your head down!" I reached out to push the back of his head down like he had done to me so many times. It was honestly an ignorant move considering the situation we were in at the moment. But everything was happening so fast, I wasn't thinking straight. It obviously didn't cross my mind that someone was actually trying to kill us and Jason was driving the car that was about to get us out of this situation.

   So hitting the driver probably wasn't the smartest idea.

   But thankfully Jason reacted faster than I did and quickly smacked my hand away.

   Holy shit! That hurt like a bitch!!!

   I quickly withdrew my hand and held it closely to my chest. Tears sprung at my eyes, threatening to spill out and flow down my cheeks at the intensity of the pain in my hand. I held back the cries that almost escaped through my quivering lips.

   Be strong Jennifer. It's not the time to cry.

   But I couldn't help but think that Jason, one of the sweetest yet still unbelievably, annoying guy I had ever met, had actually hit me. Hadn't I had enough beating on for one day? I mean, come one! I was brutally beaten by my father and now Jason was smacking me?

   But I couldn't blame Jason at all, considering the situation we were in. He probably wasn't thinking straight either.


   Oh, right. The situation we were in.

   A scream escaped my lips this time as a bullet came crashing through the back windshield. The car jolted to the side again, causing both Jason and I to rock violently to the left. But before I could rebalanced myself, Jason wrapped his arm around me protectively, holding me down. My head now laid in his lap, looking up at his anxious face. He didn't look at me, he just continued to drive like a madman. My tears never came. My screams of fear or my last dying words never came either. I laid there in the car, my head in Jason's lap.

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