Chapter 6

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   "Jason!" I whispered anxiously while I smacked the chip from his hand. It fell to the ground and broke in half.

   I looked into his dark eyes which were giving me a fake innocent look. I glared at him.

   "What?" His voice was soft and hurt. And fake.

   "You can't eat in the store! You didn't pay for them!" I kept my voice at a fierce whisper, hoping that no one could hear me.

   He snickered. "So?"

   "So!" I rolled the Lays Chip bag back up and put them in the cart, out of his reach.

   I began rolling the cart away, listening the to clicking of my heels as I walked around the store. Jason walked next to me and I started to realize how tall he really was. I was five foot six and I was wearing heels that had to be at least two inches. And yet, he was still taller than me. By a long shot.

   I pulled the list, my mother had given us, from my pocket and began reading it out loud to Jason. As I'm half way down the list, I take a peek at Jason out of the corner of my eye, who I found was imitating me. What the?

   I quickly stomped on his foot with my heel as I continued to read the list.

   "OW!" He yelled.

   I turned to look at him with innocent eyes. Shock washed over his face.

   "What's wrong Jay? Does your head hurt from thinking too much?" I snickered and started walking past the aisles. Except, Jason grabbed my arm before I could turn away from him.

   He gave me a smile that stunned my heart but I tried extra hard to have control of my face. I immediately wanted to melt under that smile but I forced myself to glare at him.

   "Jay? What kind of pet name is that?"

   Uh.... "Jay. Jason. Same thing" I shrugged my shoulders.

   He shook his head with his beaming smile still on his lips. "Whatever then, Jen." Oh hell no.

   Before I could even think about it, I aimed to kick him in the knee. Except he dodged it perfectly.

   "Do. Not. Call. Me. That." I growled. But it only made him smile bigger.

   Suddenly, Jason leaned forward and grabbed me around the waist. I let out a scream as he scooped me up into his arms with one under my knees and one arm around my back. Before I could even process what was happening, he somewhat carefully dropped me into the shopping cart with my butt in the cart and my legs hanging off the side.

   While he laughed uncontrollably, he began pushing the cart down the vegetable aisle.

   "What-" He interrupted his question by his own laughter. "W-what was next on the l-list?" People start to stare in our direction.

   I so did not want to be sitting in the cart like this while wearing a skirt.

   Jason's laughter gets even louder and I swear now everyone in the store is staring at us.

   "Damn Jennifer, you're turning so fucking red!"

   I feel my cheeks go even more red. If you were wearing a skirt and you were in this position and every freaking guy at the Von's store was staring at you- you would be red too. Jackass.

   With all my upper body strength, which isn't very much, I push myself to awkwardly half fall and half trip out of the cart.

   Once my feet are settled on the ground, I turn toward Jason who is trying not to laugh but it isn't working so well.

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