Chapter 24

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   I dedicated this chapter to one of my best friends named Mireya!! :D It's her birthday today and even though it's kind of late I updated for her birthday ;)

Happy Birthday Mireya!!! You're such an amazing friend/person! ;)


   Left leg up, head down, hair to the left, left arm to the right, right arm on the left leg, right leg balance.... balance.... balance....... dammit Jennifer balance your damn self!!! 

   I sighed with relief. Okay, now all you got to do it jump. Jump up and land with the splits. A jump spilt.

   You got this, you got this, you got

   "AND SHE IS SHOT DOWN THE ALL MIGHTY JAASSSOOONNN!!!!!!!!!" The idiot yelled, the sound echoing throughout my studio. Suddenly I was swept off my feet and thrown over his shoulder.

   "JASON!!!!! YOU DUMBASS I ALMOST HAD IT RIGHT THIS TIME!!!!" I began beating my fist against his muscular back, trying to get out all of my sudden anger.

   "Don't worry Princess. You'll get it right next time." He winked at me while placing me on my feet, directly in front of him.  

   "OUT!!!!" I screamed and pointed toward the door. My breath was completely out of control, due to all of my anger.

   Jason put his hands up in surrender. "Fine! I'll leave. I'll go somewhere where I'm wanted! I'm sure your mom would love to make me food."

   "She's not home." I hissed while walking back over to the center of the room, ready to start the complicated dance move over again, thanks to an annoying someone.

   "Awwwwwww........" He whined out loud and plopped himself roughly onto the floor of the studio.

   "Go down the hill and get something from that crappy fast food restaurant on the corner if you're hungry." Do anything, just leave. 

   "You know what? I will." He shoved himself off the ground in a swift movement. "Want anything?"

   "Noooo....." I drew it out slowly, obviously annoyed. He chuckled.


   Finally he was gone! He had been bugging me constantly that morning and I was trying desperately hard to master the dance movements. Now I could focus....

   Left leg up, head down....


❀༻❀༻❀༻❀༻❀༻❀༻❀༻❀༻35 Minutes Later❀༻❀༻❀༻❀༻❀༻❀༻❀༻❀༻❀༻❀༻


    I wrapped the towel around my neck. I slowly climbed the stairs from the studio that was built underground. My mother had that studio built when I was ten years old. I loved going down there, it was like my way of escaping from everything.

   Jason still wasn't back yet and my mother would be out of town on a business trip for..... well, she told me when she would be back while I was dancing so of course, I wasn't paying attention and completely missed what she had said.

   Oh well.

   I sighed and went into the kitchen, getting myself a glass of water. I drank it, refreshing myself. I refilled it twice. 

   When I was refilling it for the second time, I heard the front door open. I just assumed it was Jason coming back from the fast food place.

   But it wasn't Jason.

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