Chapter 8

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   I turned and yanked on his arm but he was like a freaking boulder.

   "What the hell are you scared about?" He asked blankly.

   "Keep your voice down and follow me please!" I whispered in a pleading voice. I pulled against his arm but he wouldn't budge. Instead, he pulled me to him and grabbed one of my arms.

   "Who would be at the door?" I knew exactly who would be at the door at this time of night. I just didn't want to say it out loud.

   And then I attacked him.

   Well kind of.

   I jumped up and threw my arms around his neck, clutching him close to me.

   Wow, he was really tall. My feet weren't even touching the ground... Was I getting shorter? Was that even possible? I was only 15, how could I be getting shorter!?

   "Jennifer?" He now whispered, thankfully. He lightly wrapped his arms around my back. Oh, god!





   You god damn heart.

   My heart beat was absolutely out of control in that moment. Just ignore it. Just ignore it.

   Okay! My plan was turning out to be a epic fail at the moment but I kept trying. I didn't realized that I wouldn't feel the ground when I hugged him. I mentally sighed.

   I let one of my arms fall from my tight grip around his neck so I could use it to grab the hand railing of the staircase. Once I grabbed it successfully, I pulled myself down so my feet were on the ground. This caused Jason to lean over. He went with it, which I was ridiculously thankful for.

   I began slowly dragging him up the stairs backwards, with one hand wrapped securely around his neck and one hand pulling on the rail.

   Once he realized what I was doing he stopped, becoming a dead weight once again. But he didn't pull away.

   "No. Didn't we go over this?" He pulled away but only to gently grab my face and looked deep into my eyes.

   "Jennifer, I would never let anyone lay a hand on you." He said sternly. But then his voice went gentle. "Don't you believe me?"

   I didn't know how to answer him so I just stared into his dark eyes. He didn't say anything either and just stared right back.

   It wasn't a glare which was odd for our kind of friendship but it was more like a gaze which was even weirder.

   I felt my eyes grow in fear when the doorbell started ringing nonstop, as if someone was holding their finger down on the button. Then they started pounding on the door.

   "God damn it, Jennifer! Get out of bed and open the door for your mother! I'm getting soaked!!!" My mother's voice came angrily from behind the door.

   "Mom?" I nearly shouted and started running down the stairs. I nearly threw myself into the door when I approached it. I reached up and unlocked it and opened it but she beat me to it.

   She pushed open the door and I nearly fell backwards on my butt but I quickly balanced myself. My mother's dark brown hair was soaked making it look coal black. Her eyes were full of anger and her clothes were dripping water onto the white carpets.

   "Mom!" I was about to throw my arms around her but then stopped myself because she was drenched.

   "You left me sitting outside in the rain while you were in bed!" She sounded furious. She threw her purse on the ground and began kicking off her heels.

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