Chapter 16

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   "Princess." A soft voice spoke into my ear.

   I groaned as I opened my eyes. The sun was shining bright through my bedroom window, blinding me for a short while. I was so tired that I closed my eyes and leaned my head back down against something hard.

   "Jennifer." I realized that the soft voice belonged to Jason.


   He was quiet for a minute but even in that short time, I felt as if I were going to fall back to sleep. So when he spoke again, I barely caught what he was saying.

   "Your mom is going to kill me if she sees me in here."

   My eyes shot open and I realized that we were in my bedroom, on my bed. Not only that, but I was laying on top of Jason's chest, but I was lying on top of Jason's bare chest.

   I immediately freaked.

   "Out!" I demanded in a fierce whisper.

   He chuckled softly. "Calm down. And I would have left earlier but I was being held against my will." Sarcastic idiot.

   "You could have easily pushed me off." I pointed out while I sat up from laying on top of of him, letting him free.

   Once I was off of him, he sat up slowly and stretched his muscular arms. Was he flexing his arms? Idiot.

   "That would have been rude." He said with a frown. "And it would have woken you up."

   "I'm a deep sleeper."

   He smiled at me. "I'll have to keep that in mind." What the hell? Why would he need to remember that?! I felt like face-palming myself right then.

   He gracefully left the bed. "Go back to sleep, Princess. You're obviously not awake." He leaned toward me and stroked my cheek for a short second before leaving.

   I watched his retreating figure leave, but once he was gone I plopped back down on the bed and fell asleep. But not before I saw the clock that read, 5:23AM.




   My alarm came blasting through my clock. I threw my pillow toward the direction of the sound and to my suprise it shut up. I moaned in protest as I drew myself out of my warm bed. The morning had a cold chill in the air and the sun that was once up only an hour earlier, was now gone and hidden behind dark clouds.

   I sighed in depression, but worry washed over me. I took another deep breathe and almost instantly regretted it.

   My throat was hoarse and rough.

   Crap. Why did I have to be sick?


I took a warm shower in attempt to make myself feel better but it didn't help. I ran a brush through my wet hair and put on some gray sweatpants and an old, black, sleeveless hoodie.

   It was going to be a long day.


   I walked out of the bedroom and shoved my hands into the pocket of the hoodie. I walked to the edge of the stairs, about to climb down them, when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. Then I felt soft lips on my cheek.

   "Good morning beautiful." Jason said against my cheek.

   At first I was frozen in shock but I quickly sobbered up and let my inner anger free. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

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