Chapter 23

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   I hated how much I was jealous of Jason's Ferrari.  

   Unlike me, Jason was a really good driver, which shocked me to no end. He drove down the back roads smoothly as he made his way toward the school.

   It was quiet between us but it was a comfortable silence. I leaned back into the soft seat and closed my eyes. I hadn't slept much that night so I was really not ready for school. I felt like a mess even though the reflection in the car mirror disagreed.

   I peeked over at Jason through half opened eyes. He was a lot calmer than he had been last night, though there was still a distant look in his eyes.  I didn't like that.

   When we arrived to the school I now didn't care for all the stares that the car brought but it had me silently wondering if everyone was staring at the car or if they were all staring at me and Jason....

   Jason parked the car and got out quickly but I didn't move. I watched as Jason went around the front of the car, noticing that he looked all around the parking lot observantly.

   He wasn't letting anything pass by him. I frowned.

   He walked up to my door and opened it for me, in a gentlemen like fashion. Even though I knew that his intentions were to not let me out of his sight as much as possible, I couldn't help but blush. I held my backpack to my chest as I stepped out of the car. Then Jason shut the door and locked the car.

   I began walking up to the front of the expensive and well-built school. Jason quickly caught up to me, like a faithful puppy. My frown deepened.

   I didn't like Jason being so protective of me. I mean, duh— of course he made me feel safer and I liked that part. But I didn't like how Jason felt it was his job to protect me. We had went over this last night and Jason didn't even put it up for negotiation— he wasn't letting me out of his sight. His reasons were along the lines of that my mother and I had given him the chance to start over in life, let him become a new Jason, a better one. But that didn't mean he owed me anything!

   But like I said, nothing I said went through that stubborn head of his. So now he was walking next to me as we walked into the school together. With his height, he towered over me. He had to be at least a head taller than me. He just had that cocky feeling to him with his wide shoulders, strong arms, the way he held his head up high....

   Was I just checking out Jason?

   I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts while scowling at myself. I can not be thinking like that! The kiss was defiantly getting to me....

   I lead the way through the crowded hallways and walked over to my lockers. I began putting the combination to my locker into my lock while Jason leaned on a locker near mine.

   Whoever's locker that belonged to defiantly wasn't going to be using it with Jason leaning on it like that. If they were smart that is, they would stay away.

   Let's just say Jason wasn't in the greatest mood.....

   I opened my locker and replaced the books needed with ones that weren't. I stared into the little mirror that I had hanging on the locker door. My blue eyes stared back at me. They were so easy to read.


   Very scared.

   I shook my head and focused on anything but my eyes. All they did was remind me what kind of hellhole I was living in at the moment. So I looked over my long, dark, brown hair, which was slighly wavy due to the colder weather. But over my shoulder I spotted something. Or someone.

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