Chapter 13

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   Jason and I walked to school later that morning. I had said my goodbyes to Shane while Jason rolled his eyes the entire time. The walk to school was quiet but it was a comfortable silence.

   When we got to school we went our separate ways. There was exactly seven minutes before the first bell rang. I was making my way over to my locker, to check my ponytail in my mirror, when suddenly someone grabbed me by the hand and tugged me into the girl's bathroom.

   "Talk." Kayla demanded.

   "Crap." I muttered.

   "Yes, crap. Now tell me!" I sighed and walked over to the bathroom mirror and fixed my ponytail.

   "What do you want to know?"

   "Stop being all blonde on me and freaking spill it! What is going on between you and Justin? And more importantly, what is going on between you and that new kid, Jason?"

   "Why is what goes on between me and Jason more important?" I snapped.

   "Because Jason is hotter then Justin." I slapped her arm and she jumped. "Kidding! Gosh.... What I meant to say was it's obvious that you and Justin are over, considering the 'conversation' you had yesterday." She did quotes with her fingers when she said conversation. "But then this hot guy just comes and beats the crap out your ex when you are in trouble? That means something is going on between you guys or else Jason just wants to be like Superman, randomly saving the day and what not."

   I rolled my eyes. "Nothing is going on between me and Jason." It was the truth. "We are just friends."


   "Ermm.......  Well, Jason kind of...... lives with me...?" It sounded like a question.

   "What?!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

   "Ow...." I moaned as I stroked my ears that were it pain. It sounded like a loud church bell was ringing over and over again...

   "Since when?" She demanded an answer.

   "Well, tomorrow will be a week."

   "He moved in with you last Wednesday, and I'm hearing about this now?!" She shrieked.


   "Oh my god, this is huge!"

   "Why?" I asked disbelieved.

   "What did I just get done telling you? Stop acting all blonde and open your eyes!"

   "Hey! If you forgot, you are the blonde one and I'm the one with the perfect grades."

   "Yeah but you are also the one who doesn't realize that you are living with the insanely hot new guy." I sighed and gave up. Knowing Kayla like I did, I knew fighting against the conversation would be completely useless.

   The bell rang then and Kayla and I hugged goodbye. And then I was off to first period, math.

   I always sat next to some guy name Shelton Mccoy and he was okay. Average looking, smart as hell (but most of these kids were anyways), he did sports so he was pretty fit, and every now and then he would crack a joke and have me laughing until I turned red. Usually the teacher would be pissed off and give me dirty looks, even though he never heard any of the jokes. Nope, he just heard my laughs.

   But today Shelton was different. He kept fidgeting in his chair and he would nervously glance at me constantly. Half way through the teachers lecture on Calculus, I made sure no one was looking when I sniffed the collar of my shirt. Perfume filled my nose. Was my ponytail messed up? Man, all that time making sure it was perfect and now it probably looked like I just rolled out of bed.

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