Chapter 30

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That idiot!

I sat in my first period class, not listening to a damn word the teacher said. No, no instead I was trying to make my hair look some what presentable to the public instead of looking like I just got done with a wrestling match with a 400 pounded beast.

Jason and his stupid motorcyle... I swear both together will destory me, if not our planet overall.

After about 15 minutes, I gave up with my hair and tried to keep up with the class.

Today was going to be a long day.

Then, suddenly, a small, crumbled, paper ball landed on my desk, laying in front of me. I squinted my eyes and opened the note.

We need to talk.

I looked up to see the face to whom the note belonged to. And that's when I came face to face with perfect, bright green eyes. Stacy, one of my quieter friends, was turned in her chair.

I quickly glanced down at the note but returned my eyes back to hers. I have her a small smile and nodded, signalling to her that I understood her message.

She obviously didn't like that.

She shifted back around and began writing, I guess another note. She rolled it back into a sloppy ball and tossed it onto my desk once again.

But before I could grab it, someone else did.

I looked up and saw the face of my English teacher, Mr. Darkson. Oh geez.....

"Writing notes, girls? In class?" His voice was mocked with fake horror. He shook his head as he read the note out loud to the class. I peeked over at Stacey as I watched her naturally pale skin flushed red.

Oh Jesus, what did she write?!

And then Mr. Darkson began, "Now." Then he sighed and tossed the paper onto his desk. The classroom booed with anger after finding out the note only held one word. I sighed quietly with relief while Stacey's cheeks were still stained with blush.

The sound of boo's still roared throughout the classroom while Mr. Darkson threw his hands up in the air. "Children, please! Be civilized here... Jesus Christ it was just a note." And while the sound of disappointment from the students continued to fill the classroom, Mr. Darkson turned to Stacey and me. "Now girls, step outside the classroom until I can get to you."

I groaned as I shoved myself up from my desk. Was he kidding?! I mean, yeah, sure, it was a note but come on! It only had one damn word on it!

Fucking ridiculous.

While I dragged my feet across the classroom, Stacey, being a good girl that she is, quickly and most defiantly quietly left the classroom. I frowned.

I use to be a good girl.

That is, until I met Jason.

I met Stacey outside the classroom after shutting the classroom door. We were standing in one of the school's many hallways. Stacey's green eyes were panicked, her naturally pale skin was no, not red, but paler then usually, and her black hair was long and straight as a stick.

I waited for her to say something. She stayed quiet, while the panic continued to grow.

I suddenly felt the need to say something to try and clam the freak out she was probably having on the inside. "Hey, Stacey, it's- it's going to be okay. I mean, I don't think Mr. Darkson will punish us that bad." I shrugged. "He probably won't do anything at all."

She frowned at that but then it quickly vanished as she grabbed my shoulders. "Jennifer, I don't care about the stupid note! Did you not hear what happened?"

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