Chapter 4

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  I climbed inside of the black truck that was parked outside my house. I shut the door and turned toward Justin's hazel eyes.

    "Hey you." Justin spoke sweetly and then leaned over the seat and kissed my cheek. I smiled.

    "Hi." I murmured as he started to drive away from the house and toward the school, that was eight miles away. Exactly why my mother thought I had gone crazy when I said I would walk.

    "How did you sleep?" One of Justin Timberlake's songs was playing on the radio but it was too quiet for me to hear the words.

    "Um, well." I lied.

    "That's good." He half smiled while he stared out the windshield. I felt kind of happy that he ate up my lie but I also felt kind of bad. Either I was a really good liar or he wasn't paying enough attention to me.

    Nah, I was just a good liar.

    He held my hand with his right hand while his left hand was on the steering wheel. He turned up the radio. Now Stronger by Kayne West was playing.


    Third period= Hell.

    Okay I didn't like cussing but it seriously wasn't a fun period. My third period was Dance and no matter how much I loved to dance, my dance pattern was seriously ruining it for me.

    "Matt quit stepping on my foot!" I pulled away from the embrace of his sweaty arms and squat so I can rub my foot through the heels.

    "Quit being slow then!" He yelled back at me, completely frustrated.

    "I'm not slow! You keep tripping up on the fifth step and my foot is paying the price for it!" I stood back up, completely balanced on the two and a half inch heels.

    "Your big feet pay the price for a lot of things." He snickered. I wanted to slap him across the face and see if the stupid smile would still be there.

    "I'm a size seven and a half! That's completely normal for most girls!" I growled at him, while throwing my hands in the air.

    "It's not my fault you have giant feet."

    I sighed. I was outrageously frustrated. Freaking Matt. "You know what? It doesn't matter how big you think my feet are. That doesn't change the fact that we still haven't finished the dance yet."

    "But it does change the face that you can't dance."

    I. Wanted. To. Scream.


    So loud that the glass windows would break and his ears would start bleeding.

    "Matt, I swear to God that-" While cutting me off, the bell for fourth period rang. I sigh with relief and turn on my heels and walked over to my dance locker. I sat down on the floor and took off my heels and quickly put my high tops back on. I stood from the floor and shove my dancing shoes into the locker, lock it, and leave the dancing room.


    During lunch I sat next to Justin. Since I had barely ate this morning, I got a little more food than usual. Justin and I sat at the bench with some of the popular kids. With Justin's arm wrapped lazily around my shoulder and the popular kids gossiping, everything seems normal. Except it wasn't. I couldn't stop myself from thinking about Jason.

    The blond hair, the near black eyes, the stunning smile, his light skin...

    I tried to make myself feel bad for thinking about another guy, while my boyfriend had his arm around me, but I just couldn't. I turned to look at Justin's face but he was staring at a group of people who were standing by the cafeteria door. I tried not to think about how most of them were girls.

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