Chapter 9

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    3:54 AM.

   I watched the bright green, glowing numbers on my alarm clock. Tears fell silently down my cheeks and I clutched my stomach tightly with my arm trying, trying not to make any noise. I knew very well that Jason could hear everything I did in my room. I didn't want anyone to know that I was crying.

   3:55 AM.

   I have laid in my bed, crying quietly to myself for the last four hours. My pillow looked like it had just been sitting out in the rain.

   Suddenly, Trixie jumped up onto my bed and curled up next to me. The rain usually made her restless but I welcomed her company gratefully. I pulled her to my chest and began petting her head softly. She licked a few of my tears with her extremely small tongue but then she relaxed. After a few minutes, I felt her go limp and her breathing became deeper. I sighed.

   I didn't text that jackass back. What was I suppose to say?

   And how could he do that? How can he tell me he would change? How could he go out with me for a month and then just cut it off like that?

   How could he break up with me over a text?

    Because he's a player, A voice from inside my head answered my silent questions.

   I wanted to beat the voice to death but I knew it was right. I knew that he was a player! How could I let myself say yes when he asked me out!?

   I felt so stupid.

   I watched the clock while it slowly changed it's numbers.

   8:11 AM.

   I sighed. Greeeaat. Just perfect. I got no sleep because of that ungrateful, good-for-nothing, jackass.

   I froze when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I quickly buried my head into my pillow and lightly put my arm around my dog, who was still sleeping.

   I heard a soft knock and then my door crack open.

   I groaned but kept my head hidden in my pillow.

   My mother's soft laugh came from somewhere in the room.

   "You're awake." She pointed out the obvious.

   I threw my other pillow in the direction of her voice. She laughed and a few seconds later, I felt the pillow land on my back. I groaned again.

   "I just wanted to say that I'm throwing a party tonight for Aunt Sally's birthday. So be ready, lazy! Also, breakfast is on the table and feed your dog! I swear, she gets skinner and skinner everyday." I heard the door close which meant she was gone.

   I sighed relieved and slowly withdrew myself from the bed, trying not to wake Trixie. I walked to the bathroom and watched my face drop as I took in the reflection.

   My light skin was very pale except for the skin around my eyes. That part was bright red. My blue eyes twinkled with tears while the whites of my eyes were red from crying so much. Under my eyes, no matter how much the reality of it horrified me, bags were slightly forming.

   "Look at yourself." I murmured to myself.

   You'll never cry like that for a guy ever again, I promised myself.


   I took a shower, trying to relax my muscles and face. When I got out, I looked myself over. My eyes were now pink but other than that I looked normal. Besides the haunted look on my face.

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