Chapter 31

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   The last few days of my life have been... well, crazy. I have been dancing alone.

   But today was the day that Jason was going to quit the sports area and join the dance area. At first, when he had suggested the idea, it seemed perfect. But now I was leaning outside against the school's office, while Jason was inside transferring, and I felt a new emotion.


   While leaning against the wall, the amount of guilt that start to crawl over me was unbelievable. I felt like such a horrible person. I mean, how could I ask that of Jason?! How could I ask him to drop everything he had been working so hard for and just help me out when everything that I had been working so hard for fell through the cracks?

   Damn, karma was going to eat me alive.

   It was after school and all the students were leaving. I watched them go, trying to focus on their disappearing figures instead of letting my anxiousness get to me.

   I spotted my dancing coach was was leaving in his worn down car. Watching him leave reminded me of earlier that day. I had told my coach that I had a new dance partner. When I spotted Jason from a distance, I had pointed him out to the coach.

   When the coach caught sight of Jason, he scowled. Like, a lot.


   But I guess it's not such a huge surprise that Jason wasn't a fan of my dancing coach. I mean, Jason just didn't come off as the dancing type of guy.

   Usually the male dancers in the class were lean and skinny and not to tall to the point where they were clumsy but to the point where they were graceful.

   Not that Jason was clumsy.

   Oh, hell no, that boy is the opposite of clumsy.

   But Jason wasn't small.

   Ha, ha.... The words "Jason" and "small" don't even belong in the same sentence together.

   Not that he was fat or some mega body-builder. Jason had that lean look to him but up close you could tell he was solid muscle. He had the wide shoulders, he was over 6 feet tall, a toned body, which didn't look very flexible.

   Yeah, Jason didn't really look like he would be the guy to throw himself around a dance studio.

   Ugh, this was going to be impossible!

   "Hey," Jason greeted as he walked out of the school's office. I suddenly remembered that I was sitting outside of the school. "What's wrong?"

   "What?" I said taken back. "Oh, nothing."

   "You sure?" He stared at my face for longer then necessary.

   "Yeah, I'm sure. Let's go."

   Jason and I began walking home. We were walking home because we needed the exercise which I despised so very much. Jason didn't seem to mind, though.

   "Are you ready to dance?" I asked to break the silence.

   Jason shot be a sideways glance and delivered a blindingly bright smile. "You don't believe in me, Princess?"

   I shrugged. "Should I?"

   He only laughed.

   I grew irritated. He thought this was funny? Ugh! Of course he would! He thought everything that bugged me was just hilarious but I mean, this was different.

   This was everything to me.

   Jason must have spotted my discomfort because he causally threw his arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry, Princess. I won't let you down." He winked.

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