Chapter 18

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   *Three days later*

   “WHAT!?” I screamed out as loud as possible, the horrifyingly loud sound echoing throughout the neighborhood causing dogs to bark and babies to cry.

   Jason was hysterically laughing next to me, but my loud outburst left his laughs muffled. “YOU’RE FRICKIN’ KIDDING ME!”

   Jason nearly fell to his knees from laughing so hard. He whipped his sleeves at his eyes and stared straight ahead, as did I.

   “MOM!” I marched up the driveway and flung open the back door. I angrily stomped into the kitchen and glared at my mother who was cleaning the morning dishes.

   “Is that you yelling?” She question. “Stop it! You’ll wake up the whole neighborhood!”

   “You bought Jason a car?!” I said baffled.

   She look token back. “Jennifer, the boy lives here now and he’ll be 17 soon. He needs a car.”

“You got him a FRICKIN’ FERRARI!”



My mother stared at me as if I were some alien. She stood across from me, in front of the sink, while I stared at her like she had gone completely crazy.

She had gone completely crazy! Jason had been living here for no more than two weeks and my mother already gave him a car that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars!

I might as well stamp the word “CRAZY” across my mother’s forehead!

Finally, my mother gave up on our lame and awkward staring contest and turned back toward her dishes. While she rolled her eyes, I swear she murmured something under her breath about me and that time on month.

“Why a Ferrari? Why not some cheap piece of crap from a dealership on the side of a dirt road?” I was way too curious for my own good.

My mother shook her head, almost looking disgusted with me. “He said he wanted a Ferrari.”

“When?!” Disbelief flooded throughout my voice.

“Yesterday. Don’t you remember? We were all sitting in here and he said he wanted a Ferrari.” Even though it was only yesterday, I tried to remember back to the conversation.

*The Day Before*

I sighed, completely tired and sweaty as I rested my feet on the kitchen table. I leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes. The smell of tomato sauce and raw noodles filled my nose and played evilly with my hungry thoughts.

“Jennifer!” My mother snapped at me. I groaned out, already knowing what she was going to say. “Get your feet off my table!”

“Come on Mom,” I moaned at she shoved my legs causing them to fall to the ground. “I just danced in the studio for four flipping hours without a break.  Can’t I put my feet up?”

“Aw, you poor thing.” Sarcasm filled her voice while she rolled her eyes at me. Jason snickered at me silently as he sat in the chair across the table. I stuck my tongue out at him with a teasing smile. He stared at me for a second longer, his dark brown eyes almost looking black. Suddenly, he licked his full lips and winked at me. It was so quick that I thought I might have been imagining it. But his smirk told me I wasn't.

What a freak! Why would he lick his lips at....

My mouth hit the floor and I felt disgusted. How dare he!

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