Chapter 5

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   Jason and I end up sitting in the living room together. I was sitting on one of the white couches while Jason was sitting on a different couch that happened to be very similar looking to the one I sat on. I sat leg crossed on the couch, my books laid out in front of me, while I read the material. And then there's Jason, who was sitting with his feet propped up on the center piece, which is a glass coffee table. Wow he sure is making himself at home. Feet up on the table, watching the TV, making fun of me constantly... No matter how much he bugged me, he really should feel welcome here. Considering the fact of the life he had before.

   "Jason..." I really wanted to ask him about his past but something suddenly stopped me. What if I made him feel bad? Or what if I made him angry?

   "Hmmm?" He turned his eyes away from the TV and he looked at me lazily.

   "Never mind." I murmured turning back to my books. But I wasn't reading them, like I should be. I was thinking about Jason. Uh! Jennifer, you have a boyfriend. You should be think about Justin and not Jason. I hated the voices in my head because they always seemed to be right.

   "Why did you tell your mom that lie about your friend staying over?" He asked me suddenly.

   I looked up into his eyes. My stared quickly turns into a glare. "I wasn't lying." I tried to sound confident but I couldn't help but wonder how he knew.

   He shook head with a evil smile on his face. "Yes, you were."

   I glared at him for a second longer but then I quickly turned back to my books.

   "Why?" God! Make him leave me alone!

   "How do you know if I was lying?" I snapped at him.

   He gave me a charming half smile. "Because you are a terrible liar."

   "No I'm not."

   "Yeah," He began chuckling, "You are."

   "How do you know?" I growled.

   "I told you. You're horrible at lying and anyways, it's not even baseball season." He snickered and I felt like punching him in the face. "But it didn't matter even if it was baseball season- you'd still be a terrible liar."

   I was about to push the subject further, like a 5 year old would, but then I suddenly stopped myself, remembering back, early in the morning, how easily Justin ate up my lie. Was I a bad liar? Was he really not paying attention to me?

   I suddenly felt my heart pull against my chest and I felt like crying. I quickly looked down to my books, trying to escape the conversation all together. Trying to escape the world all together.

   Jason began laughing. "Did the girl-" He interrupted himself with his own laughs, "Of a thousand words finally go speechless?" He continued to laugh while my heart beat grew louder. Calm down Jennifer. Justin loves you. He's not using you. He's not a player anymore. Why would he lie to you? Of course, he was paying attention to you. He probably had a lot on his mind this morning. Do you dare cry in front of Jason!

   I didn't even notice that Jason had stopped laughing until he sat down next to me on the couch. I glanced at him quickly but only to look back down at my books again because I felt the tears building up.

   But then, Jason softly put a hand under my chin and forced me to look up into his eyes.

   "Did I hurt your feelings?" He asked so quietly that I wasn't positive if I heard him right.

   "No." I whispered while trying to pull away but his grip tightened around my jaw but at the same time, it was still soft.

   After a few moments of staring into my eyes, he murmurs."That wasn't a lie."

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