Chapter One

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Trees were swaying from side to side, birds were chirping but all I could concentrate on was that aggravating clock that was ticking obnoxiously in front of me as if it were my master and had taken over my world.

Tick! Tick! Tick!

"Does it ever stop!", I groaned out loud causing peoples attention to span on me. "Excuse me Miss. Rose?" Mr. Jackass said causing my eyes to divert away from the malevolent clock and towards his desk where he was sitting. "Nothing Mr. Jacka-- Jackson" I coughed hoping he didn't realise that I was about to call him 'jackass'. He hasn't even done anything wrong I guess, I mean I probably deserve it when he does decide to be a jackass. 

"If you think I didn't hear you Miss. Rose think again. Do you really want to be sent out of class and sent to the headmaster on the last day of school? Do you really want to spend fifty minutes after school while all your friends are out having fun? Do you really--" "Okay! Okay! I'll shut up. Just please stop asking so many questions?" I said rubbing my temples as I could feel a headache about to form. 

Stupid jackass thought I was talking about him.

"I only asked two Miss. Rose" He said giving me that same look everyday which gives off the vibe that he thinks I'm stupid.

Well screw you jackass.

The mini person in me starts sticking their tongue out whilst flipping him off, the real me wishing I could. 

"One question from you is enough from me." "One chance left Miss. Rose" The mini me again popping out mocking him. "Anyways, class what you really need to know about 1918 is that..." and theres me dozing off... again...

"Pst!" I turn around to find Jai and my lips turning into a massive curve but quickly changed my expression into annoyed one. "Ew! What on earth do you want?!" "shut up. You love me." he said sticking his tongue out. "Of course I do but seriously what do you--" "One chance Miss. Rose" I immediately turn around to see him, back turned towards the class and in the middle of finished off the word he started writing on the board about two seconds ago. "How the hell?" I muttered to myself. "I do have ears you know Miss. Rose. I may be old but I'm not deaf, you should know that by now".

Sighing, I decided to look back at the clock since it was the only interesting thing in the room. 

'Just one minute left! Just one minute left!' The inner me chanted, looking more eager than me to leave this hellhole. 

You would think things would end up as the beginning of High School Musical 2 when everybody started to chant the word 'summer' but you were wrong. Our school is way different from all that, we don't organise meetings so that we can perform in the cafeteria as soon as the bell rings on the last day of school instead of just going home and sleeping. 

5, 4, 3, 2, 1... And nothing? Maybe theres something wrong with th-- RIIINNNGGG! Ah, there it is.

As soon as the bell rang papers literally flew everywhere. Okay, sure it had something to do with the fact that I chucked them but still. What I find funny was that it weren't my own papers, it was Mr. Jackass' paperwork that was scattered all over his desk.

As people muffled out of the classroom, me and Jair were about run for it until Jackass shouts at us. "Miss Rose! You come here right back this instance!" I laughed, walking over to one of the desks near the door, jumping up and sticking my middle finger up. "Fuck you" I said simply smiling and jumping on Jai's back so that he could give me a piggyback ride. "Run piggy, run!" I said, slapping Jai's ass like horse riders would do to their horses during a race. "Okay one, don't boss me about." he said even though he started to leg it out of the door anyways. "Two, I am not a pig" he said quickly facing me so that he could show me how straight his face is. "Of course not... You're a dirty pig" I said ruffling his hair up as if he were a little kid. "And three..." he began after ignoring my comment, "You're going to get into so much shit" he laughed. "Eh, who cares, schools over now for the next month, not much they can do now and I doubt he will remember next year. I mean come on dude, he's old" me telling it as if it were obvious.

Jai opened his mouth to speak when another voice got in his way "HURRY UP YOU SLUTS" which cause Jai to drop me. I groaned look up towards him seeing he had a look of guilt on his face. "Oh shit, Alex I'm sorry." he said helping me up. "Its not your fault, its that dickheads fault for shouting" looking in the direction the voice came from. Oh of course it would be him.

Beau rapidly honked his horn trying to get mine and Jai's attention.

"Why does he have to be so embarrassing?", Jai groaned. "Hey, he's your brother, be lucky you have one" "Well we're like your brothers" "True, true". 

"HURRY UP!" "WE'RE RIGHT NEXT TO YOU! YOU DON'T NEED TO YELL!" "gosh Alex, you're so goddamn loud. You should learn how to lower your voice. Use indoor voices in public." Beau said with that idiotic smirk planted on his face. "Why you little--" I started ready to beat him up but Jai held me back. "You wanna learn how to control your woman" Beau said shaking his head then getting into the car. "At least he has a woman" getting into the car. "Ohhhh burn" Jai commented.

"So come on, lets go home, I'm so hungry." I said patting my stomach. "We just need to wait for Luke" "Eurgh. Why do we have to wait for him? He can walk home." "Hey you may hate him but he's my brother" "Fine, fine, whatever."

You may ask as to why I hate him, well to answer your question I don't. I just hate the fact that we started to drift apart. As soon as we entered high school he started ti change by hanging out with the wrong crowd and all that. I'm not gonna lie, I do miss our friendship, we used to be inseparable but he just chose to ignore me, so if he wants to be like that then screw him. 

"Beau its been five minutes now, I don't think he's coming." I said. "Hm, maybe you're right, lets just g-- Hey isn't that him kissing some chick?" He said pointing out of the window. 

What a man whore.

Beau rolled down his windows and screamed to the top of his lungs, "OI YOU SLUT! GET INSIDE THE FUCKING CAR" I couldn't really see what was going on outside and I don't really want to but two seconds late he opened the passenger seat door where Jai was sitting. "Out." he simply said, popping his sunglasses on. Jai laughed, "I don't think so" "I don't want to sit at the back with that thing" He said, with a disgusted look on his face as he motioned towards me. "Okay, I'm not a he, I'm not a she, I'm just referred to as 'it', isn't that nice" "Shut the fuck up" "Make me." "Look Luke just sit at the back or we leave you here and you can walk home", Beau said trying to reason with him. "Ugh, the worst day of my life" "Oh, of course this is makes it the worst day of your life, I mean you're sitting at the back with me for five minutes, this is obviously torture for you huh?" I said once he sat at the back. "Don't talk to me, no one likes you" "I like her" Jai said. "I have to say I do too" "Whatever, leave me alone" he said putting on his light blue Dr. Dre headphones on and blasted his music out on full volume. 

IG; loving.Kiana


I Hate That I Love You | Luke Brooks *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now