Chapter Twenty Nine

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Ending sucks. I'm sorry. 😩

Have good day💖

Updated again today because sweg


It was the day of the formal, little did I know my friends from school would rush over to my house just to get me ready for it. Like I can do everything myself but I guess its meant to be a girl thing.

I didn't have many friends who were girls because they just only used me to try and get in the good books with the boys. Candy tried it even though she was a bitch to me before she found out I was bestfriends with the guys.

Most people think I'm just a slut because I hang around with guys a lot like Jai, James, Tyla, Jacob, Andrew- well you get my point. But its nice to have friends who are girls, I hang out with them too, sometimes they even hang around with me and the guys but they don't normally feel comfortable around them considering they think that they're 'hot' and 'they wouldn't want to talk to girls like them' their words not mine.

Its weird though really, I mean that they should be popular. You might be thinking of really quite girls who do nothing but get good grades but they're not like that, well they obviously get good grades but they're so loud, especially in class but they don't want to hang around with the populars in our school considering that they're sluts. No offence but its true.

Normally the boys get sluts coming up to them and god does it get annoying whenever I'm with them. I remember when Candy came up to us when Jai was there, she pushed me out of the way when I was talking to Jai and guess what, she called him Luke. I was literally holding in my laughter. She was talking to him for about five minutes or longer and every time he was trying to interrupt her by saying that he's Jai she quickly interrupted him. As soon as she found out he was Jai she literally ran off because she knew Jai wasn't like Luke, he wasn't a player.

But seriously how could you not even tell that he was Jai. It's pretty obvious. Even if you took away the dot on Luke's nose and the dots under Jai's eye and forget about their hair I could still tell. Maybe it's just because I've known them practically all my life but yeah...

Anyway it a Friday morning and the school was actually being nice for once and gave us a whole day off. YAYA.

So as soon as I woke up the girls came over to my house to help me get ready. Oh yeah I forgot their names are Sarah, Emma and Chloe. (A/N I use Chloe for literally all my fan fics now huh😂😂😂)

"I hope you guys won't over do my face you know. I don't want to end up looking like a clown" I said. I was going to wear make up for literally the first time in my life. They all said I should but they all promised that they would only use a little bit. "We won't do that we're only going to use a little bit." Chloe said laughing.

"If my face ends up looking like a clown I will punch you" I said trying to keep a straight face but ended up laughing instead. "Okay now stay still" Sarah exclaimed.

While Sarah and Chloe did my make up Emma straightened my hair. Sarah was about to put some liquid shit on my face. "Whoa" I said before she put anything on me. "You have to tell me the shit you're about to put in my fave before you actually put it on my face." "Relax" Sarah laughed. "It's only foundation" "erm okay"


By the time they were done my face actually looked okay. They made my makeup look natural and I was told that they only used foundation mascara and nude lipstick.

Next thing I had to do was put on my dress and shoes. (Dress will hopefully be on the side.)


I Hate That I Love You | Luke Brooks *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now