Chapter Three

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About ten minutes after Luke left to go see his hoe. Me and the boys just carried on watching horror movies. It was about 1am now and everyone is asleep, it's almost the end of probably the 8th film we watched. I was about to doze of when I heard rattling from the front door. I picked up the baseball bat that I found under the sofa earlier and walked closer to the door, the bat raised to my head getting ready to swing. Normally, people would be shitting themselves, not me, if hear something I don't run away, I walk towards it.
The door opened.
Holy frick , it was just the faggot.
"What are you doing", Luke whisper yelled.
"I thought you were a robber" I shrugged. "So how come you're out so late you normally come home earlier" I changed the subject. "You know, you arrive at some sluts house and like five minutes later you leave her house without saying bye and don't call her back" I said
Luke leaned in close, towards my ear. I could feel his hot breath against my skin, whispering very slowly "why baby, are you jealous "
I shivered, his words disgusted me.
"Ew" I told him and turned around but as soon I started to turn he grabbed my wrist and spun me around, pushing me towards the wall, and pinning my arms against it. He leaned in again, "you know you want me baby" he whispered softly.
"No, I actually don't. Now do you mind getting your dusty little crusty hands off me before I scream rape" I said, no facial expression on my face.
"You don't know what you're missing" he winked.
He still wouldn't let go. I simply just kicked his shin as hard as I could, because I play football (soccer) my kick was quite strong. He let go of my wrists immediately whilst screaming and I ran away whilst he was sulking. I ran to the living room and slipped in next to Beau, a few minutes after I was knocked out


The next morning I found my self waking up with a thud. I quickly opened my eyes without hesitant and looked at my surroundings. I'm on the floor? I looked up on the sofa and found Beau spread out on the sofa. I got up and jumped on him.
"What the fuck Alex"
"You fricking pushed me off the sofa you dick head"
He laughed. "Sorry"
"Yeah, yeah" I said whilst getting up and walking towards the kitchen. Something smelt nice. I opened the door and found Gina by the stove. "Morning Gina" she turned around "morning hunny, how are you" "I'm good thanks, you" "I'm fine" she smiled. "Breakfast won't be ready for another 20 minutes so why don't you get ready then when you finished you can come down to eat" "okay thanks" I smiled.

I ran towards the bathroom brushed my teeth had a shower etc. etc. I don't think I really need to explain how to brush my teeth and have a shower.

I got out of the shower, wrapped the towel around me and walked towards Jai's and Luke's room.

I walked in. "AHHHH" I screamed. "Oh sorry, I didn't known you were gonna be in here" I said. "Well it is my fucking room" oh wow, how polite, stupid little dick'ed.

I grabbed my clothes and underwear from my bag and asked Luke to leave the room for five minutes. "Do you mind just leaving for five minutes, it's just I have to get ready you know". "It's my fucking room, go change somewhere else" "wow how fucking rude" I said annoyed. I walked out and entered the bathroom, getting changed into my underwear and clothes, wearing an Eminem top and skinny jeans, tucking in the top since it is really baggy. And no I don't wear make up, I don't know 3 shits about it, I know you guys probably think I'm weird, since every girl knows about makeup, well not me...ahahaa....

I unlocked the door and ran towards the kitchen, oh god, I could already smell the food ASDFGHJKL
"Hey Alex, just help yourself" Gina said.
"Thanks Gina" I replied, picking up a little bit of everything, scrambled eggs, bacon and pancakes. YUMMY.
"No problem" she walked off to the living room shouting for the boys. "BOYS BREAKFAST IS ON THE TABLE"
"I have to go to work sweetie, do you mind telling the boys that I won't be back till late"
"Sure thing Gina"
"Aw thanks, bye Alex"
"Bye Gina"

A minute or two after Gina left the boys and the dick'ed came down. "Oh Jai, Beau, your mum said she went to work and won't be back till late" "Ah okay" they replied in sync. "She's my mum too you know" Luke mumbled. I just rolled my eyes at him. Like I'm gonna talk to him.

"Guys there's a part tonight at Tyla's, anyone wanna go?" Beau asked. We all replied by either nodding our heads and mumbling okays and yes'" "okay you all need to be ready by 8, the party is at his house so yeah be ready by 8" we just all nodded our heads and carried on eating. Tonight should be fun.



Sorry for any mistakes and crap, when the book finishes I will edit it and sorry for not updating I was busy. Yeah that's a lie. Lol. Ew I said lol. I'm weird okay byeee💕

IG; loving.Kiana


I Hate That I Love You | Luke Brooks *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now