Chapter Nineteen

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Okay before I start this chapter I have exciting news which I will be revealing in the next chapter. It's really amazing for yous I hope, nothing to do with the fan fiction though or any fan fic. But I'm sure you guys will be excited. But if I can't wait any more I'll probs upload an author note so be sure to read that, its DEFFO something to do with the janoskians.

I hope yous enjoy this chapter THANKYOU all for the lovely comments I love yous ❤️ next chapter will be uploaded on Monday on Sunday night💕

I will follow you all back just wait patiently hopefully he'll put them back on next week😂😂😂. ALSO THANKYOU FOR 3.3k READS DNDJDJJSISJS❤️


I woke up the next morning, the sun was peeping through the curtains, the room was cool but I still felt warmth. I felt strong arms wrapped around me my waist, I looked towards my waist confused then smiled once I recognised Luke's Mickey Mouse tattoo, that has to be my favourite tattoo out of them all.

About five minutes later I was fully awake and decided I should get out of bed and get dressed for breakfast. I tried to get out of bed by removing Luke's arms away from my waist but this only made him wrap his arms around me tighter.

I sighed. "Luke can you please get off" I whispered. I could hear him shake his head and could feel it as his head was nuzzled into my neck. He then snuggled into me more if that was impossible, I then noticed how our legs were tangled together. "I want you to stay" he whispered into my ear. I started to shiver. "Luke no come one get up" he then started to kiss my neck. I wanted to moan but I'm not going to give him the satisfaction.

"Fine five minutes" an idea then came to me, since he was already shirtless I turned around facing him, our foreheads touching, I started to trace his lion tattoo. "Stop" he groaned. "Stop what?" I asked innocently. "Okay" I then moved my finger from his chest to his abs, tracing his six pack. "Fucking stop" "I have no idea on what you are talking about" "I then traced his v line" "right that's fucking it" he flipped us so I was underneath him and he was hovering above me, his hands on either side of my head, his breathing uneven which caused me to giggle.

I looked at him innocently. "Don't you fucking give me that innocent look" he exclaimed but I carried in giving him the look.

I lifted my hand and moved his hair that was covering his eyes. Whilst I was doing that he stared deeply into my eye and had his hand was placed on my cheek.

He started to lean in slowly, he closed his eyes, I was about to too but then another idea came to me, I poked the dot on his nose, and I was in fits of laughter, he opened his eyes and then got off of me.

"You know you really have a way of ruining the moment." I was still laughing. "Come on we're gonna miss breakfast" I said trying to control my laughter.

Half an hour later we were ready for breakfast. We met the boys downstairs and the breakfast place, we all had pancakes but had different additional things with it, like I had bacon on the side and chocolate sauce on my pancakes. I don't know what else the boys had cause well I care about my food and mine only. Don't you dare judge me.

During breakfast I was doing a lot of thinking, I thought about what Ben would do if he found out about me and Luke. Gosh I can't be with Luke. We are not even going out and we're already kissing as if we were. I have to tell luke, this needs to stop. I can't be with two people. Or can I? No I'm not a slut my mother raised me better. For fuck sake luke what are you doing to me?




After breakfast me and Luke went upstairs to get ready for the beach. After we got ready I thought it would be good to ask him a question, well at the end if my point. "you ready to leave?" He asked "Erm yeah but Luke can I talk to you first?" "Sure" he replied.

He made his way over to where I was sitting and sat down next to me. "What's up?" He asked grabbing my hands, I stared down at our hands and smiled, fuck why am I doing this again? Oh yeah so Ben won't kill me or worse Luke. "Look Luke, I don't want to cause any arguments again, but me and you cannot happen, especially since I have a boyfriend" Luke was about to interrupt me but I said "please wait until I've finished. "I can't just cheat on Ben and I can't break up with him for personal reasons I hope you understand that. Luke I like you but I don't like you like that" that's obviously a lie, I said to myself. "Luke you hurt me a lot when we weren't friends, I know you said you were sorry and I've forgiven you but we just can't jump into whatever this is even if I didn't have ben. Can we just be friends? It's for the best, I understand if you don't but like I said it for the best."

He stated at me, it's been a complete minute and there has been nothing but silence, he has just sat there staring at me, I can't even tell how he is feeling, his face showed no emotions.

He then got up, I thought he was going to leave but I guess I thought different. He bent down my level as I was sitting down on the bed still and he kissed my forehead saying "it's okay, I'll wait for you no matter how long it takes." "Luke, you'll probably be waiting forever" I giggled nervously. Why the fuck am I nervous? "It's okay. I'll still wait, you're worth it". God he is acting as if he is in love with me- wait is he? And since when as he felt all this for me? Not to mention he is still on fucking drugs. I don't even know if he's stopped or not and what about all his hoes oh god I'm stressing myself out over nothing. I really need to stop over thinking.

I stood up and he stood up too "So friends?" He said lifting his arm for me to shake. "Friends" I replied embarrassing him in a hug. I think the hug took him by surprise as he was startled at first but he soon hugged me back nuzzling his face into my neck. "You still smell so good" I walked his arm and he laughed. "Come one they're waiting for us at the beach" I said dragging him out of the room towards the elevator.

"Fuck do you have your key?" He panicked. "Yes I do" I giggled "now come on"

Luke's POV

that hurt me so much, but I guess I have to wait. I can't risk losing her again. She will probably hate me for god knows how long. Ben is hurting her and I need to know why she is with him, I want to beat the shit out of him but-wait what the fuck is stopping me? Oh Alex. But I guess since we are friends now she will start trusting me a bit, hopefully I can win her back, she want even mine to begin with.

Gosh when we were little you should have seen how much of a crush I had on her, but then she went out with that guy...what was his name oh John yeah he was a dick. I guess I tried getting over once we started high school, I tried drugs and hoes but then I guess I just had to hate her and I made myself believe I did. But now its different.

I agree we shouldn't rush into anything but she makes me feel oh god I can't even am describe it. Fuck I'm such a fucking pussy. Its just Every time I'm with her I get nervous, every time our hands touch I get these tingles, god forget that Every time we make any contact what so ever I get those little tingly feelings there. And when we kiss, god the sparks- wait forget sparks, more like fireworks. You know when its New Years and they have counted down to zero and you see millions of fireworks up in the sky well more than that. God sake I need her. I think I'm- but I can't be, I can't possibly be, but it could be possible though...I think... I think I'm in love her...

I Hate That I Love You | Luke Brooks *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now