Chapter Thirty Two

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Luke's POV

I've been in the jail for about a week now, my court trial is coming soon, in about two weeks time. I'm still confused as fuck, why the fuck is doing this to me and why? Like I get it, I used to play girl and that but I'm sure that they're too dumb to actually think of something like this.

I hate my cell mate, Nathan, he just beats me everyday for no apparent reason, he's in his late 30's and is a hell of a lot stronger than me. But at least he's nice about it. He never beats my face. Well maybe its because he doesn't want me looking as if I have been beaten up so he doesn't get in trouble because all my bruises are covered with my clothes.

I miss Al the most, I miss her touch, I miss her smile, I miss waking up every Sunday to see her next to me with my arms wrapped around her small body after having a movie marathon on Saturday night. I miss her kisses, I miss her hug, I miss how she would say 'I love you' I miss having her hand in mine, I miss the way she smells like vanilla, I miss the way she blushed every time I compliment her or every time I tell her that I love her. I just miss her.

I was only allowed to call her once, Nathan never lets me anywhere near the phone as he takes my phone calls, its unfair. I just want to hear her sweet voice, I know she will help me through everything.

I know that if she was here with me right now she would just hug me and never let go. I know I have done some bad things in the past but I'm good now.

Al has only visited me twice in the last couple of weeks as I told her not to visit me much because exams are coming up and I know for a fact she's a smart girl but I don't want her worrying for me and her exams, she would panic I know her. I told her to not worry, when I saw her last week she looked as if she hasn't slept in weeks so she visits me every week on Saturdays.

Every Saturday I always have a smile on my face, no matter what shit I'm going through here she always manages to put a smile on my face, just her. I love her so much and it hurts that I might never see her again.

Don't say that, think positive, for Al.

I sighed getting out of my bed. The guards said that I have a visitor. It's probably mum or Al. The boys haven't visited much, mum said it was because Jai has been busy with exams and Beau is busy at work but I guess we all know the real reason. They don't want to show up because they're shocked.

I forced a smile onto my face and walked out to my table in the visiting room.

Al or mum wasn't there... It was him. Why was he here? Hasn't he put us through enough?

Wait. How could I fucking be so fucking dumb. Of course it was him. He's doing this to me. But why? Out of jealousy. If he thinks he's going to take me away from Al he can think again.

She mine.

I walked up to my table, pulled out the chair and sat down in front of him with a stern look on my face. He just had a grin on his face. Of course... he's high.

"What do you want?" I asked sternly.

"Come on Luke that's not how you treat old friends now is it?" He said chuckling.

"Shut the fuck up Ben and tell me why you are here?" (A/n remember Ben? Yeah he's back)

"I want to make...a deal" he said leaning back in his chair.

"To hell am I making any deal with you" I said about to get up. "Fine maybe I'll just go back to Alex and-" "you stay away from her" I shouted immediately sitting back down earning looks from the guards. I calmed myself down so I wouldn't get sent out. "relax nothing will happen unless you agree on the terms." "What?" I said clenching my fists.

"I want you to plead guilty, I want you to tell Alex that it was all you who killed the girl. I want you to tell your mother and your brothers, but most importantly Alex." "Why would I do that?" "Well you don't want Alex getting hurt now do you?" "You bastard. It was you who ran her over. You told the police it was me. Oh my God. I should have fucking known. Why? Why would you do this to me? Everything in my life was going fine then you fucking come back" "isn't it obvious why I did it? You took Alex away from me." "I didn't fucking take anyone away from you. We love each other, she wanted me, not you"

He chose to ignore what I said, not believing a word. I could tell by what I said he wanted to stab me right here right now but he knew he couldn't.

"correction. Loved. As in she won't love you as soon as you tell her that it was you who ran over Casey. That you were high whilst driving, you also tell the police this. But remember Luke if you don't plead guilty you will only go down for much longer as I'm the key witness of this all. And don't worry about Alex, she's in safe hands."

"You will regret this Ben" "I don't really think I will actually" "what makes you think she will go running back to you?" I said in disgust. "Have you forgotten. We're friends now aren't we. She will go to anyone who is willing to offer a shoulder to cry on." "I'm not doing this." "Fine I'll get my boys to go round Alex's now." "FINE" I shouted immediately. "I'll do it" I barely got out. "Just please, please don't hurt her" he gasped sarcastically. "I wouldn't do such a thing." He said smirking.

"Now chop chop go call them to come over, we don't have all day you know."

I sighed getting up from my chair, tears threatening to fall out my eyes, but I can't show him that I'm weak, but I guess its too late for that.

"Oh and tell Nathan I said hi" he shouted out as I reached the exist from the visiting room.

That dickhead.

I walked up to the phone booth and let the tears fall.

I can't do this.

But she'll die if you don't.

But she'll hate me.

Better than her dying now isn't it.

But I could protect her.

How can you. You're behind bars. He's not. Do it so she won't get hurt. How can you be so selfish.

"You're right." I spoke to myself, sighing.

I picked the phone up dialling her number. After a few rings she picked up. "Hello" she said, even though she sounded depressed her voice still brightened up my day, making more tears fall from my face. I miss her so much.

"Hello?" She said again, interrupting me from my thoughts. "O-oh erm hi Al" "Luke" she said and I swear I could hear the smile on her face which caused me to smile even more. "What's wrong Luke? you sound as if you've been crying" this girl knew me so well.

"Can y-you come t-to visit m-me?" I said as more tears fell from my face, wiping them with the ends of my sleeves from my orange jumpsuit. "Of course Luke, I will be there as soon as possible. I love you" she said. "I love you to beautiful" I said resting my forehead against the wall.

After we said our goodbyes I hung up, I'm so sorry Al

The end.

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Even though they didn't get the answer right they had good guesses such as candy, I should have used that bitch instead of Ben fml 😂😂😂 THANKYOU for always commenting and voting 💖

I Hate That I Love You | Luke Brooks *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now