Chapter Fourteen

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When Jai got I home I decided to walk home. When I arrived I got a text from Ben.

Need to see you now. You don't come there will be consequences.

For fuck sake. I left my house and started making my way towards Bens house. His house was only five minutes away. I rang the door bell and his mother opened the door. "Hi Alex" she said hugging me. She was so kind. Nothing like Ben. "Hi mrs smith (A/N so original I know) is Ben home." "Yeah he's upstairs in his room, would you like anything to eat or drink." "No thankyou, thanks though" she smiled and I walked up to Bens room. I knocked on the door. "One minute." A minute later some girl opened the door. She was blonde, skinny, quite tall, her clothes were scruffy. "Oh hi, your Alex" she said hugging me. What the fuck. "Ben has told me so much about you" she winked. "Bye Ben" she went up to him and kissed him and left.

"Why?" "Why what bitch?" "Why are you fucking cheating on me?" I raised my voice. "Oh that. Well you let me have sex with you and I have needs you know". "You fucking disgust me". There was a look in his eyes. He ran up to me and grabbed my throat, pushing me against the wall. "Now listen here bitch. I do what I want when I want." "Why do you smell like that?" He asked. I was gonna answer but he has his hand on my throat, I was still struggling to breath. He then let go realising I couldn't talk. "Smell like what?" "Don't you lie to me" he said getting his pocket knife out. "Do you want to be punished again?" I shook my head. "You were with him weren't you? You were with that faggot Luke. I'm guessing you fucked him then." "What no!" I yelled. Don't you lie to me" he said bringing the knife to my throat. "I didn't I swear I just kissed him" "you filthy whore" he smacked me to the floor. Tears were running down my face. "Get up. We have somewhere to go"

He dragged me to the car and we were going god knows where. The road looked familiar, oh god its Luke's road. He pulled up just near his house. "Okay, I'm coming out with you and you will tell Luke that the kiss meant nothing to you, you felt nothing and you still hate him, how you were just playing him. You fail to do this I will cut both you and him. Understand." I nodded. "Oh and don't even think about telling him later on it was me making you say it. I will find out. I found out about this didn't I. Now get out."

We got out. I walked towards Luke's house, Ben hid in the bushes where he wouldn't be seen by Luke and showed me his knife, giving me that look saying 'you better get this right or I will cut you'. I rang the door bell and Beau answered. "Hey Beau" "hi Alex. Oh my god what the hell happened to your face." Oh I forgot Ben hit me. "I fell face first on the floor. I laughed hoping he believed me. "Oh so why are you here? Not trying to be rude or anything but you normally call." He said, I knew he didn't believe me but he let it go thank god. "Erm I need to speak to Luke" "oh he said you his made up, come in" I looked at Ben. He shook his had showing me the knife. "Erm I can't, I have to go somewhere like in a minute and I'm running late." "Erm okay. LUKE COME HERE FAGGOT. bye Alex." He hugged me and walked away.

Luke then appeared into my sight. I smiled. He looked happy, his eyes look full of joy and I'm about to destroy all of that... "Hey Alex." He said going to hug me but I moved away. "Erm hey Luke, I need to speak to you" I said. "What happened to your face?" He asked. "Doesn't matter about that. Luke that kiss was a mistake. I was just playing you. I still hate you Luke." I said trying to remember what Ben told me. There was tears forming in my eyes, my voice was cracking. "I don't believe you Alex" he said, bringing my face up. I pushed his hand away. "NO LUKE! DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND. I DONT LIKE YOU." I then started to walk away. He ran after me and grabbed my arm, spinning me around. "LOOK ME IN THE EYE." He said. "LOOK ME IN THE EYE AND TELL ME YOU HATE ME. HOW EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED BEFORE WAS JUST A JOKE. HOW YOU LOVE BEN" I took a deep breath looked him in the eye and calmly said "Luke, I hate you, everything that happened before was just me fooling around and you were too foolish to realise. I am absolutely in love with Ben." With that he let go of my arm and said "GOOD. DID YOU HONESTLY THINK I LIKED YOU. I WAS JOKING TOO ALEX. WHY WOULD I WANT TO EVEN KISS YOU. I JUST WANTED TO GET IN YOUR PANTS YOU SLUT. NOW GO. YOURE A SLUT. YOURE UGLY ANYWAYS" tears were rolling down my face. "Goodbye Luke" I turned around and walked back to the car.

A minute later Ben arrived. "Well done. Now you need to be punished after the stunt you pulled today at the school you whore" someone save me...


Hi guys can you all please read my latest fan fiction, it's called opposites attract, so original I know. But it would mean so much to me. You don't have to vote or anything. You don't even have to properly read it if you do t want to. But it would mean so much to me if you did. I love you all and THANKYOU for 1.6k reads. I don't even know where all these reads are coming from but THANKYOU I love yous and have a good day💕❤️

I Hate That I Love You | Luke Brooks *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now