Chapter Twenty Six

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I already know how I want this fan fic to end🙊 but it won't be ending anytime soon💖
I can finally comment back on here and vote for your chapters. YAYA.

I hope you like this chapter I found it very sweet I guess.
THANKYOU all for the lovely comments and THANKYOU all for voting and reading I can't believe I have 10k JXJDJSJDJDJDDH I love you all and I hope you have a good day💖
It was now the day after Luke asked me out. Who would've even guessed it. Me as Luke Brooks' girlfriend. I can't even believe it myself.
It was Tuesday which meant I have school yet again. It then hit me. I have to face everyone at school today as Luke's girlfriend. All of those sluts and whores will be coming up to me, just like Candy did the other day.
Luke used to be a player, he's practically slept with every slut in school. As soon as that hit me tons of questions started to pop through into my mind.
'Can I trust him?' 'Would he end up cheating on me?' 'Is he just going to use me then dump me?' So many questions. Am I even ready for this relationship? I mean we did rush into everything, he's already fucking said he loves me. I don't even love him like that.
Oh god what is wrong with me?
I push my thoughts aside and decided to just get ready for school.
As soon as I finished my breakfast there was a knock on the door. I opened it and it revealed Luke, his school uniform scruffy as always, shirt untucked, top button not done up with his tie also not all the way up wearing his usual leather jacket.
I noticed that he had his right hand behind his back.
"Erm hi Luke, what are you doing here?" I giggle nervously.
"What I can't even walk my girlfriend to school?" He asked playfully.
"Oh right" I laughed feeling so dumb, Ben never did this. Why am I even comparing him to Ben, of course Luke is a gazillon times better than him.
Luke then pulled his hand out from behind, his hand was holding a red rose. "Erm I got you this" he said handing it to me looking down blushing. "I was going to get you like a whole bunch of flowers but I didn't know your favourite as you don't really have one so I just settled for a rose as your last name is rose and it reminds me of you because even though the rose is simple it still looks beautiful but of course not as beautiful as you. Erm... Wow I sound stupid I'm sorry, It was a stupid idea" he said still looking down.
As soon as he finished I wrapped my arms around his neck giving him a tight hug, he was startled but immediately wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned in towards his ear and whispered "thank you Luke, that was so sweet" he squeezed me a bit into the hug, as if he never wanted to let go, the feeling was mutual.
When we pulled out I said "come one Romeo we are gonna be late for school" "as long as you will for ever be my Juliet I don't care" I heard him say as I turned to grab my bag which was just by the door.
We walked to school hand in hand, talking about anything that came to our minds.
Once we were outside the red school gates I stopped for a second which automatically cause Luke to stop and turn around to Luke at me.
He knew what was wrong. "Come on, were in it together. If anyone hurts you emotionally and physically you tell me straight away and I'll box them up." He said sweetly. "Thankyou" "I'd do anything for you, haven't you realised that by now" he said, kissing my hand that was still interwined with his hand. I smiled.
We walked into school hand in hand, we got stares but I think Luke gave them all glares, and let's be honest here, practically everyone in our school is scared if Brooks, he could knock them all out with one punch.
All the whores gave me disgusting looks but I looked away wanting to ignore all of it.
We were in the middle of the playground and I guess Luke noticed that m head was down. He stopped us and was now standing in front of me. He lifted my head up gently with his thumb and index finger, his eyes boring into mine.
"Ignore them Al, they're just jealous because you have something you don't have." "And what is that something?" I asked "a sex god oh a boyfriend duh" he said jokingly causing me to slap his arm. "Aha I'm only joking, they're jealous because you have someone that loves you for you. They wear tight clothing and a shit tonne if make just to get noticed by me Al. You don't wear any makeup as you don't know anything about it and as you hate it, and you wear jumpers and jeans. They're fake Alex. They're jealous because they have to go through all that just to get attention from a boy and probably only gets 10 minutes before he goes onto his next whore. They're jealous because all you have to do is be you and you already and me falling. Ignore them. They're just jealous because they all want to be you. Don't be scared, what happened to the Alex that never gave a shit, Jai told me that last year you proper jumped on the desk and stuck your middle finger at the teacher on the last day. What happened to the Alex that had a fight with with some whore, her nose ending up being broken all because she took your seat. Don't be scared Alex, that's all they want you to be because they want to scare you off, I love you Alex and never forget that"
Maybe it was because I forgot everyone was there or maybe it was because I just had the urge to kiss him, maybe it was just a bit of both but I smacked my lips onto his. We both pulled away at the same time as we both needed to breath. "Guess who's back, back again, Ally's back, tell a friend." He started singing to me in the tune if Eminens song without me causing me to slap his arm again. "I want other ally back" he said jokingly rubbing his arm where I hit him. I raised my arm again to hit him but he grabbed my arm smirking giving me a peck on the side of my lips. That little teasing shit head.
"Now come on we have form" Luke said dragging me with my wrist. I laughed shaking my head.
We were in the park, lying on the grass our heads next to eachother but our feet at different ends. (Like his and hazel in the cover if the fault in our stars)
We were staring at the clouds pointing out to each other what we think they looked like. "That looks like a dragon trying to eat a dog" Luke exclaimed. "I just don't see it, I think it looks like a hot dog" "how the fuck do you see a hot dog" Luke laughed turning his head to face me. "How the fuck do you see a hot dog" "Because it is one" I whined causing his to laugh which then made me laugh. We both gave up saying it looked like and Umpa Lumpa. It was quite for a while. Not an awkward quite just a peaceful quite.
"I read somewhere that when you look at something it is every colour but that colour. For instance the grass, we see it as green but it's really every colour but green, fascinating isn-" I stopped talking when I turned my face to look at Luke noticing he was looking at me this whole time with a smile on his face causing me to blush. "Were you even listening to me" "no your beauty distracted me" he said smoothly causing me to blush even more. "Shut up" I said covering my face.
I felt hands on top of my face lifting mine off my face, Luke was now on top of me straddling my waist. "You really are beautiful and you know what I'm going to make it my goal to show you just how beautiful you are" I blushed like crazy for about the billionth time today.
We walked home our hands interlocked talking about what life would be like with dinosaurs.
He walked me to my front door which was no need as he only lived next door.
"Do you want to go out somewhere sometime?" Luke asked. "You don't have to if you don't want to" "are you asking me out on a date?" I winked nudging him with my elbow. "Yeah, yeah I am" "well I m sorry to say but I accept" I said teasingly "I knew it was a -wait you said yeah?" He questioned. I giggled at his dumbness. "Yes" I giggled. He kissed me gently me kissing back. He pulled away saying "I love you" I smiled kissing him again. I knew he wasn't expecting me to say it back as he knew it was too early but I'm almost there and I think he knows it too.

I Hate That I Love You | Luke Brooks *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now