Chapter Ten

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I woke up the next morning, tired as fuck, thought really dry. I got out of Beau's bed and made my way into the kitchen. I got out a clean cup and filled it with water. As I was pouring the water whilst day dreaming into my own world, somebody coughed behind me, causing me to drop the glass on the floor. "Fuck" I mumbled to myself. I turned around to see who cause the noise. It was Luke. All the memories came flooding back from last night.

He quickly left the room, me still trying to figure out what was happening. I just woke up okay. He walked in with a pan and brush. He walked towards me, grabbed my hips, pulling me away from the broken glass on the floor. "Careful, you might cut yourself". He told me. "I opened my mouth to speak but then realised that I can't because I would probably sound like a retard with my dry thought. I mumbled a thanks whilst he started to clear up the glass.

Whilst he was doing that I went to get another drink so that I could talk without sounding like a retard. I took a big gulp. "Erm yeah thanks. You didn't have to clear that up you know, I think I could have don't that myself" I said. "Yes, yes I did" he said. "Oh sorry about the glass, I'll pay for another one" I said quite embarrassingly. "Don't worry about it" he chuckled. "It's just a glass". "Oh okay, so erm did you need something or..." "Oh right. Well I just wanted to talk about what happened last night". He started off. "Look, you don't need to know the details about it, even though you probably already do, but thank you, for you know, caring and looking after me. I know on you hate me-" "I don't hate you" interrupted "Wait what?" He said confused. "I don't hate you. I know I might've said it a million times to you, but I don't hate you. Hate is such a strong word. But I don't like you. I basically dislike you." "Oh" he said. "Anyways carry on" "well I know you ha- dislike me, but yeah thank you for that. But please don't tell the boys." "Wait what?" I said, puzzled. "Just please don't tell them" "Luke you NEED to tell them" "I don't have to if I don't want to" he said with a hint if anger. "Luke, Jai and Beau are your brothers, Skip and James are like your family. How could you keep something like this away from them? They have a right to know. They deserve to care about you. I still of don't even understand why you did this in the first place. It's sickening. I don't even know why I even helped you" I said getting angrier, my voice raising. "YOURE A STUPID FUCKTARD LUKE. THAT BOY WAS INNOCENT AND YOU DESTROYED HIM. WHAT YOU FELT YESTERDAY WHEN IT HAPPENED TO YOU, THAT LITTLE BOY FELT IT A MILLION TIMES WORSE. OMG. LUKE THAT WAS SO SICKENING. I HAVE NO IDES TO WHY I AM EVEN TALKING TO YOU. YOU PRACTICALLY RUINED HIS LIFE. UGH I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY I THOUGHT I COULD COME BACK HER AGAIN." after saying, we'll shouting that I left. All the boys were awake and looking confused. I barged right past all of them, opening the front door, slamming it behind me. Yes I left in my pj's, but I live next door so swag.








"JUST FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE." And with that and grabbed my phone and chucked it outside smashing it. Fucking dickhead.


Sorry for not updating I have been really busy okay. I can't update until after 10th July cause I have a Spanish exam then and I dunno Spanish and I'm panicking so yeah. It was my birthday on Monday. happy birthday to me. BUT OMG ON FRIDAY BEAU FOLLOWED ME ON INSTAGRAM AND TODAY JAMES FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER. IF YOU WANT ME TO DM JAMES YOUR TWITTER NAME FOLLOW ME AND DM ME. I WILL OBVS FOLLOW BACK.IG; loving.Kiana


I love you all and keep in reading and voting. Sorry the chapter was so short. I tried okay. Aha. Love yous.


I Hate That I Love You | Luke Brooks *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now