Chapter Eight

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Straight after I got home I decided to get ready. I have no idea where he is fricking taking me but I decided to dress casual; just in skinny jeans and a Beatles t shirt.

About five minutes later there was a knock on the door. I'm guessing my mum opened the door because I heard talking. He proper bum licks my mum. I make my way downstairs.
"Alex, you look beautiful" Ben said. Seriously. I'm wearing jeans and a t shirt. Oh wow. "What a perfect gentlemen" my mum said. If only she knew what he was really like.

We made our way out of the house after saying good bye to my mother. "By the way you look fricking disgusting. Next time wear something more revealing so I can show you off to all the guys." I felt like being sick. I never give a crap to what he says. They are only words. But this is no way a person should be treated.

Luke was walking past, I swear for a second I thought I could see him I the corner of my eye looking at me. But as soon as I turned around to see him, he wasn't.


I got in the car and after about 45 minutes we arrived to some place, we were in a type of street where you don't want to be in, I got out of the car and walked on to the pavement. Ben said he had to do something and that he would be back soon so i started observing the place.

"So you got the drugs" said some guy.
"Yeah man, give me the cash first" the other guy said. Seriously. They were actually dealing out in the open. They're is a fricking police car just opposite. Seriously how dumb can some people get. The policeman got out of his car and started to make his way towards the guys. HA they're gonna get in trouble.

"Want the regular." The dealer said to the officer. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS SHIT. IS HE SERIOUSLY OFFERING DRUGS TO A FRICKING POLICE OFFICER. "Don't tell anyone or I'll come back and shoot your brains out, you got me" the police officer said pointing the gun to his head.

Thankfully Ben came back an told me to follow him. We went through some allies and were outside some building; it looked abandoned. Ben led me through the building and it was fricking crowded. "Tickets please" a deep voice said, he was very big and muscular but big. Ben showed him the tickets and one of the guards started leading us towards the front. "I know a guy who knows a guy who knows the guy who knows how to get front row seats" I still don't don't even know what we have come her to watch. We made our way over to the front chairs. There is a ring, like you would normally see in wrestling but with ought the wire things going around it. What so we are hear to watch some cheap wrestling.

A guy with a ski mask came on and some boy, probably no older than 12 also came on. WTF is this. They were told to fight and everyone was screaming at the guy to fight that little boy. With out hesitation he started pounding the boy, the boy was too little and weak to fight back. My eyes started to water. Do people seriously pay to watch this shit. The fact that everyone was there cheering the guy on made me feel sick. After multiples of poundings they revealed the winner, obviously the person begin up the kid. The referee held his arm up in the air to show that he has won. The guy took off his mask before leaving the stage.

What the fuck.?
Why the fuck is he here?
Why the fuck is he doing this?

(A/N: I was gonna leave it like this but in not that mean plus you probs already knew who it was lolz)

It was Luke, it was fucking Luke. He started making his way off the ring. I looked to see what Ben was doing, he was with his mates, probably high. I ran after Luke shouting out his name, hoping he could hear me over the noise and loud music. "Luke! LUKE! LUKE FUCKING BROOKS!!" He turned, his face from a smile to a shocked look.

"Why the fuck are you here Alex? You shouldn't be here, it isn't safe." He said, grabbing my arm, dragging me into the closest un used room.

"Why did you do that for Luke? I knew you were horrible but I didn't know you were that horrible. Eugh that's not even the word to describe that. You make me sick Luke. Why? Just why? Why would you need to beat up a little kid, too weak to fight for himself huh? Oh god. What's gonna happen when the boys find out? OMG WHAT ABOUT GINA? She's your mum and you do this. Just wh-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR A MINUTE ALEX" he shouted. I stared at him. "Just please let me explain."

"You don't need to, it's none of my business, just leave me alone from now on Luke, I know we don't talk anyway but I mean just don't be anywhere where I am. I don't...I don't even think I know you anymore. Like this is extreme. God knows what else you do. I'm glad we are not friends Luke because I would so hate to be friends with a monster like you. That's what you are Luke, you're a monster, a freak. Eugh. I regret ever meeting you. Don't worry. I won't tell any one. Just stay out my way from now on."

I started to make my way to the door.
"No Luke just piss off. Like I said, it has nothing to do with me. You don't need to explain yourself. You shit head. Just stay away."

After that I walked back to the group I was with. I don't think Ben knew I left so I say back down in my seat. I saw Luke coming of the room, he looked at me and I swear I could see tears. I ignored it and quickly turned away. He can go fuck himself.


5 votes for next chapter and 10 reads because I'm nice like that not bothered about reads just the votes.

I making a new fan fic as well, well two new ones. Hopefully one of them will be original, meaning no one has ever written a similar thing to it.

Hope you all have a great day

I Hate That I Love You | Luke Brooks *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now