Chapter 2

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She stepped out of the car.


My ex-best friend.

All I can think about right now is that night, I came home and I didn't know what happened.  No one told me, they thought I already knew.

I haven't talked to her since, and I don't plan on it.

I can't help but look at her.  Her long, brown hair hanging over her shoulders and down to her belly button, her green eyes, and her voice only brings back memories I wish I could forget; but I can't.

She looked so happy to see Ava and they practically tackled eachother in a hug.  After that, she came over to me.

"Hi Jack!" she said excitedly and hugged me.

I refused to hug back and just said "Ariana." and turned away, walking into the hotel. I can't forgive her for doing something like that and I can't believe Ava didn't even remember.


Well that was weird. I thought we could all be friends again but leave it to mr. dimples to ruin it. 

Ari just shrugged it off and we both walked back to our room. Then I remembered that I was going to hang out with Walker and Jack tonight so I invited her.

"YAS!" she screamed but it didn't matter because we were in the elevator alone anyways. "I just hope Jack isn't so saltyy"

We laughed and went back to my hotel room. Her and my mom started talking because they haven't seen eachother in a while either.  After about 5 minutes, they hugged and she walked into the bedroom part of the suite with me so we could pick out  what I was going to wear tomorrow to the event.

We settled on my white high waisted ripped jeans with a black flowy crop top and some aqua jewlery.

Jack walked in and out a few times but just stayed silent..... wierd


Jeez that boy knows how to hold a grudge.  I was in like 6th grade seriously, he needs to just let it go.

It was about 5 when I went back to my hotel room to get changed.  I tour with my manager since her and my mom are reallly close and she trusts her and me and she can't just take off of work.  

"Hi!" I say to Karen (my manager)

"Hi honey," she says to me " how is Ava and Jack?" She kinda wiggles her eyebrows and knuges me when she says Jack's name.

"Ava's great, she's even going out with Walker!" I tell her but then I sit down on the bed and tell her about Jack "He's acting really weird." I say when I'm all finished

"Maybe he just wants you to apolagize for what happened." she says to me and gives me a hug.

"Thanks Karen" I say and hug her back before walking over to my suitcase to pick out what I'll wear tonight. I settle on some black leggings and a flowy mint green cropped tank top with an anchor on the front. I went into the bathroom and plugged in my wand and played some shawn mendes to listen to while I curled my hair.

I finished at about 6:25 which gave me enough time to slide on my white lulu lemon headband and my galaxy vans and spray on some of my someday perfume.

"I'm going out with Jack, Ava, and Walker!" I shouted to karen before grabbing my phone, wallet, and room key of the table and closing the door.

I walked over to Ava's room and knocked on the door at exactly 6:30.

Jack opened the door and walked away right after he saw it was me.  I grabbed his hand and said "I want to talk to you later, please." 

"Whatever" he said before walking away.

Salty? or nah.

Me and Ava went on twitter and took selfies for about 5 minutes until Walker came and we decided to go downtown to the peir.


I want to talk to Ari so bad but I don't know what to say. I don't know if I should be mad or not.

We got our ice cream and stopped to take pictures with a few fans and then Ava said "Let's go on the ferris wheel!" while pulling Walker into line.

Ari held my hand as she pulled me into the line and I felt sparks.  

"We can talk now." she said with a smile.

The guy working at the ride let us in and on the cart wich was a few behind Ava and Walker.  We sat in silence for a few seconds but it felt like years. 

She broke the silence by saying, "I'm so sorry I left you like that Jack, I was scared and it was so sudden and the day before......."

"I know, it was so long ago but I can't help but think about that day before, I thought someting would happen, with you, me, us." I gently held her hands in mine and turned to her. "I want to start over. Do you think we could do that?" I asked her.

She smiled and hugged me and said "Of course I do."

The rest of the ride was kinda awkward, especially when we got stuck at the top but she didn't mind. We talked about VidCon and took selfies and posted a few vines.

I just wish I wasn't so afraid to say ot again.

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