Chapter 13

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I wake up and check the time it is 9:15. I look over to my right and Walker is sleeping and Jack is sleeping next to him. I quietly run upstairs to the kitchen. My mom left us a note.

Good morning kiddos,
Sorry for such short notice but I had to catch a flight to Florida for work. I left some money on the counter and the keys for the car are there too. Have fun. Be safe. Text me.
Love Mom❤

Since Jack and Walker are probably gonna be sleeping for a while longer I go upstairs and take a shower. When I get out I pick out my clothes. I put on light jean shorts with a coral cropped tank top. I put on my light blue Vineyard Vines baseball hat. I pull my hair into a side fishtail braid and go back downstairs.

I grab some money and the car keys and start to drive to the bagel shop downtown. Then I got a call from Walker.

W: Good morning! Where did you go?

Me: Im going to Bagel World to pick up some bagels

W: Aw thanks

Me: No problem, see you soon

W: Bye

I arrive at the shop and get in line. Some of Jack and Walkers friends are standing in line so I talk to them. We all want to hang out later tonight so I text Jack and Walker.

To: The Twin & Walker😍
Do you guys wanna have a party tonight?

From: The Twin

From: Walker😍
sure babe

I invite the guys in line to come over around 8. I tell them they can bring who ever they want because its more fun with more people. When I get to the front of the line I order a sesame seed and two cinnamon raisins
(I know its Jack and Walkers fav)
I also get some juice. After I pay I get back in my car and drive back home.

When I get home I go inside and I don't see Walker or Jack. I call them and I hear there voices. They're out side sitting on the big back porch over looking the lake. I go out through the kitchen and sit down with them. I give them their bagels and we eat. After we finish we text everyone on our contact lists and invite them to the party tonight. We just talk and talk for a while. I check the time and its already 12:00.

I invite Walker and Jack to go out on the boat. Jacks going to the mall with Ariana so he cant come but Walker wants to. Since its already lunch time so I go and make two peanut butter sandwiches. I put them in a bag with some cheese-its and grapes. I put on some sun screen and my bathing suit then throw shorts and a tee on over. Walker borrows one of Jacks bathing suit.

Before we get on the boat I get two fishing rods and Walker grabs a cooler filled with gatorade and sprite and water.

We get everything in the boat and I drive. We head out to the middle of the lake. I blast the stereo that I got for my 14th birthday and we listen to music for a while. We both want to go fishing so we get our rods and cast off. After three minutes I feel something bite my line. I real up and theres a medium sized fish on the hook. I take it off and get a picture with it and throw it back in. A while later Walker gets a fish. Its HUGE. I manage to get it off of his line and we take a picture with it and he throws it back in the water.

We get hungry so we put away our fishing rods and eat our sandwiches while we slowly ride around the lake. After we finish we speed over to the rope swing. I drop the anchor and me and Walker jump off the side. We get out of the water and see some 13 year olds. We start talking to them but they leave. Now its just me and Walker. He hands me the rope and I walk up the hill as far as I can. I step on a rock for more hight and jump.

I love that feeling. When I get to the highest point I lean back and do a double back flip.

"9.9!" Walker yells

I scream back
"Lets see you do better"

He goes up to the top and jumps he does a 720 off of the rope swing.

I guess if you've lived on a lake your whole life you'd know how to do a bunch of tricks.

After we each jump about 5 more times we think we should go since its 4. Then I remember that Jack and Ari took the car to the mall. So now we have no way to get to the store to get stuff for our party. Then I remember that there is a dock right near the center of town so we drive over and tie up the boat. Walker helps me out of the boat and we walk to the little grocery store. We buy chips, pretzels, soda, and stuff for s'mores in case we have a fire. Walker wont let me pay so he does. Aw hes s'cute.

We leave the store and put all the bags back in the boat. On the way back to my house I drop Walker off at his house so he can get ready. He said he'll be over my house at 7. I go back home and unload all the food and bring it inside. I text Ari

To: Ari💕🍍
Wanna come over to the party early?

From: Ari💕🍍
Jack already asked me! See ya soon

Just as Ari answers me Jack walks into the kitchen. I tell him that Im gonna get ready and he says
"See you in five hours" I punch him in the arm and go upstairs. I stand in front of my closet for 20 minutes looking though all my clothes. I finally decide to wear a short tight black skirt with a light blue crop tee shirt and my light blue vans. I hop in the shower and shampoo and condition my hair. Then I use my hibiscus beach body wash. IT SMELLS SO GOOD. I get out of the shower and dry off. I wrap a towel around me and go dry my hair. After I dry it I put on my outfit. Then I curl my hair and put on eyeliner and mascara. When I think I look good enough I go down stairs. I see Jack
and Walker sitting on the couch.

Walker is wearing Cargo shorts and a blue and white striped bro tank. He looks so cute. Walker gets up and hugs me.

"Whoah you look so good bae" he tells me

I say "You look better baby"

Jack who is sitting on the couch pretends to throw up.

We all set up for the party and just wait for people to get here

My Best Friends Brother (A Jack Dail Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora