Chapter 18

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Me and my mom hung out together for the rest if the day and just talked. Me and my mom are really close because of everything we've been through together and I'm really grateful for that. Before I moved back, me and Ava were friends but not best friends. My mom derails my train of thought by saying "schools coming up in a few weeks!"

I groan "I wish we could just be like robots and have all the knowledge in our brains before we come out of the womb. Then I wouldn't have to go to school."

"You'll go to school with Jack and Ava and Walker though! It will be fun!" She smiles.

"But I still have to put up with drama causing beotches just like at my last school." I laugh.

She pats my head and laughs. "New school, new people! What would you like to do tonight?"

"Well, the fault-" I was cut off by my phone ringing.


"Ari it's jack! Sorry I didn't tell you earlier but I got tickets for us to see the fault in our stars tonight! Do you want to go?"

"YAS!" I scream and turn to my mom.

"Can I go to tfios with Jack tonight?!" I ask her.

"Sure!" She says.


Jack laughs and says "I'll pick you up at 10. Okay?"

"Okay." I say (A/N lol tfios quote😎)

It's only 8 right now so I have some time. I pick out a sky blue pair of high waisted shorts and a white and black tribal loose crop top with some white sandals. I hopped in the shower and dried my hair and straightened it so it was past my belly. I slid on like one million Alex and Anis and a bunch of other bracelets that I've gotten from fans. I put on my usual makeup; concealer, mascara, eyeliner, and a natural smokey eye.

I finished at exactly 10 and that's when Jack showed up. He hugged my mom and then said "shall we?" Holding his arm out to the door.

I grabbed my phone, pineapple wallet, eos, and keys from the couch and held his hand as we walked out the door.

In the car ride there, we were jamming out and I was making up parodies for the songs on the spot. It was so funny😂👏

We walked into the theater and took our already reserved seats. At this theater since it was new, it had those big reclining chairs that were really comfy.

One girl sat next to me and immediately knew who I was.

"OMIGOD you're Ari Carpenter!" She covered her mouth in disbelief.

"Yeah I am!" I love meeting fans. "What's you're name?!" I ask.

"My names Julia." She smiles.

"Cool! I love your top by the way!" I complemented her.

"Thanks!" She said "are you here alone?"

"I'm with jack." I pointed to jack next to me but he was already talking to some slut to his right. "Never mind I guess" I laughed nervously.

We started talking and we have a lot in common. She told me about her friends she was here with that were getting popcorn and her family. She actually told me about her dad having the same job as mine but he came home a week or so ago for good.

"My dad's in afganistan." I told her in a hushed tone and felt tears welling up in my eyes.

"Really?" She asked "I didn't know that."

"Yeah, I don't like to talk about it unless if it's with people I know really well or feel comfortable with. I haven't even told Jack yet, I don't want him to worry." I explained.

"I totally understand."

Her friends came back and wanted to get a picture with me so imposed for a few in the isle and them we went back to our seats. I got Julia's number and followed her on all social media just before the lights went out to keep in touch.

Jack was still talking to that slut. I figured if he wants to ignore me, I'll ignore him. Me, Julia and her 2 friends cried together the whole movie. I looked over at Jack and saw him staring at me during one of their make out sessions but I just looked back at the screen. Maybe he should look at the blondie. She's looking at him.

After the movie, me and Jack stopped to take a few more pictures with some fans and then got in the car. The whole ride was silent except for a few of my sniffles. That movie made me #emotional.

Jack stopped I front of my house and I just got out without saying goodbye. He got out and ran after me to the door.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Just dandy, jack. Thanks for caring." I said and walked towards the door.

"What did I do?!" He asked me with his arms in the air. "I don't want to be ignored and not know why."

I turned to him and said "why font you ask the blondie you were talking to the while movie?" And walked inside the front door. It was already like 1 am so my mom is asleep so I went straight up to bed.

Jack kept trying to FaceTime, text and call me but I ignored him. I went I twitter and saw that he subtweeted me.

Sorry for talking to my fans; as I recall, you did the same thing 😶

Two can play at that game.

Boys- remember that your girlfriend never wants to see you talking to a girl prettier, skinnier or in anyway better than they are. The only thing worse that that is when she's a slut😁

He caught on to what I was doing and tweeted again.

Don't judge a book by a cover.

That slut needed a cover.

I fell asleep at 2am in the middle of face timing Aaron and Taylor.

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