Chapter 19

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"Geez subtweet much?" I said when I came downstairs and saw him eating some cereal.

"Shut up" he mumbled to me.

"Maybe you should just talk to her face to face. Maybe apologize?"

"Hell no. She was talking to some fans so I started to too. End of story. She's making a big deal out of nothing." He was pissed.

"Not end of story. She told Ava what happened last night and as she described it, she said hi to a few fans and you started chatting it up with some slut next to you."

He ran his hand through his hair and said "she wasn't some slut Walker! She was also a fan! Why can't I talk to fans if she can?!"

"Maybe because you went to see a movie with your girlfriend and she wasn't hitting it off with some hot guy." I grabbed 2 granola bars for me and Ava and took them upstairs.

I walked up their long staircase and heard jack mumbling under his breath about me the whole way.

"Here baby" I handed Ava a granola bar and she gave me a kiss on the cheek in return.

"What did he say?" She asked.

"He's pissed and thinks he did nothing wrong." I told her.

"He'll cool off. Just give him a day or two." She told me.

"Want to make a YouTube video?" She asked.

"Why not?" I said and kissed her again.


It's been a week since me and Jack have officially talked. I don't know why it's gotten so out of hand, I don't understand why he can't just say he's sorry and move on. Ava and Walker have both tried to talk to him but he won't budge. Even I've tried to text him a few times but he's ignoring me. I don't even know of were still going out. He never broke up with me but he hasn't talked to me in a week. Ugh.

Me and Ava have hung out a few times but always at my house or somewhere else because she thinks it's best I don't see jack for some reason.

"I'm going to the starbucks downtown!" I called to my mom grabbing my wallet, keys, phone, and MacBook.

I got in my car and drove the short drive to starbucks, parking just around the corner. I get in line and order my iced-venti-skinny-Carmel latte and they wrote my name on the cup with a heart on the i so I took a picture and posted it on the gram with the caption

Then I immediately got a call from Ava.

"Speak." I said as I picked up the phone.

"Are you at starbucks?" She asked me.

"Yeah.... Why?" I asked.

"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME?!" She screamed.

"You don't like coffee......?" I said confused.

"I don't.. I mean I do... I mean..... COME OVER!" She screamed.

"Stop screaming!" I said "and I'm going to edit my YouTube video here so you can meet me here if you want to hang out so bad."

"I just-" she started but stopped when she heard me gasp.

"What?" She asked.

I hung up and walked straight out the door.

Now I know why she didn't want me to go without her.

I ran to my car and sat there for a second before putting the key in. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

Does this mean we broke up? I thought to myself.

Without thinking, I drove to Ava's house and ran right inside up to her room. I collapses on her bed and immediately started to bawl.

She looked up from her laptop and walked over to me.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered and rubbed my back.

I sat there for over an hour and cried. Ava played some music at first but then turned off and tried to show me some funny YouTube videos but nothing worked.

"I'm gonna go to the tree house." I told her and walked out of her room and headed for her back yard.

I walked through the path that Jack lit up with candles and cried.

Why me? What did I do?

I climbed up the ladder to the old tree house and sat there. Thinking abut everything. My mom and Karen and my dad and Walker and Ava and Jack. I looked down at my scars and remembered what I used to be. What I did and what I wish I did. There are just too many screwed up things in my life right now.

Anyone want to talk? I feel like everything I cared about left me😔

It started getting dark so I climbed down the ladder and started making my way to my house. At the intersection of the path, I bumped into Jack.

"Sorry." He said.

"Me too." I said and walked away.

I didn't turn when I heard him calling my name. I wanted so bad to jump into his arms and kiss him but I knew I couldn't.

We were over.

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