Chapter 5

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Whoah, we both went in to kiss.
I felt sparks. Im getting mad feelings but what if he doesn't feel the same way? After we kissed he hugged me and went back to his room since his mom was worried. I decide to go to sleep and see him tomorrow.

I check my phone and its 9:30. I cant wait to tell him and Ava the big news. Im moving back to Connecticut! Right across the lake from them. Just like old times.


Ahh day two!! After I took a long hot shower, I did my usual makeup and straightened my hair. It took me a little but to decide on what I wanted to wear but then I finally picked out a maroon skater skirt and a white lace crop top with a cut out bow back. I wore all of my bracelets and I still had an hour until I had to be there so I called my mom.

{💁-mom 🐙-Ari}

🐙- hey mom!
💁- hi honey! I'm sorry the whole moving thing is sudden but I thought you might not mind so much because you already know lots of people there.
🐙-yeah it's chill! When will we be moving?
💁-2 days after you get back! I'm packing right now so you won't have to do it all in barely any time.
🐙-thanks see you then! Love you momma!
💁-anytime honey. I've got to go but have fun at the event today ok?!
🐙-I always do! Bye love you!
💁-love you too darling!

I'm still thinking about Jack. I wish I could tell him how I felt but I'm so scared.

I like Ari a lot but she lives far from me. Her and Ava kept in touch before this week but it was really hard for them, they're not as close as they were before. I wish she could move back.

Me and Ava are already ready and my mom decided not to go to the event today so I call Ari and ask her if we could go together.

{🍍-Jack 🐙-Ari}
🍍-hey Ari! My moms not going to the event today so I was wondering, do you wanted to ride over with me and Ava?
🐙-sure! Karen has a limo coming to the front of the hotel in like 15 minutes so you guys can come over now and we'll walk down of you want!
🍍-yeah that would be great, see you soon!
🐙-kaykay bye jackiepoo
🍍-haha bye ariiii

I get butterflies every time I talk to her.

"Ava!" I shout "were going to Ari's room and were going to rode over together!"

"Ok!" She shouts back and goes over to pull on her vans, I do the same.

We race each other to the elevator and show up to Ari's door a minute or two later.

I knocked on the door and we both waited for her to answer. She opened the door looking amazing, as usual.

"You look really great." I say to her.

She blushes and says "you don't look so bad yourself"

After Ari puts on her vans, we all walk down to the elevator together and as we walk in I see her roll her eyes at some guys our age.

Me, Jack, and Ava walked down to the elevator together and when the door opened, I saw those creepy perverted boys again. I just rolled my eyes and stood next to Jack.

I could hear them whispering the same things they were the time before. Jack was clenching his jaw the whole time and then finally turned around and grabbed one of them by his collar.

"Stop talking about my girlfriend like that" he spat in his face.

The kid looked pretty scared and so did his friend.





"Thank you." I said to Jack, intertwining our fingers while Ava stared at us in awe.


I've never seen Jack like that before. I shrug it off after a minute because were in the lobby. Those boys practically ran out of the elevator. Jacks pretty tall, he's got 5 inches on me and a little more for Ari.

When we got in the limo, we all take pictures of our feet together and tweet them because were all wearing vans. All the comments are about shipping #javi.

I run over to walker as soon as we get there, leaving them alone again.

I do t know what got into me in the elevator. It made me sick listening to them talk about Ari like that and I felt like I had to do something so they would stop. The limo was a ton of fun though and everyone kinda forgot after that.

Ava left me and Ari for walker again thank god.

We walked in together, hands brushing against each other.

"Thank you so much for what you did." Ari said to me.

"Anytime." I said with a smile.

Our stations were right next to each other so we got to talk and stuff. At 2 they let us go somewhere to get lunch and I asked her to go with me. We finally decided on going to McDonald's.

She got a blueberry pomegranate smoothie with a snack wrap and fries, I got a cheese burger and fries. When I was pulling out my wallet to pay, she payed for the both of us.

"I told you I would pay you back." She said playfully punching me on the arm.

I just laughed and we found a table when all of our food was ready.

"We should hang out tonight again." I said to her.

"Yeah" she agreed "last night was.... Fun"

We finished our food and decided to being our drinks in with us.

We still had about 4 hours of meeting fans left but I didn't mind because I was right near Ari and I love meeting them!

"Are you and Ari dating?" A little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes asked me.

"No, why?" I asked with a smile.

"No reason." She said "but I think you guys would be realllyyy cute I totally ship it!"

I haut laughed and took a picture with her and signed her phone.

As she walked away I whispered to myself, "I ship it too."

My Best Friends Brother (A Jack Dail Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora