Chapter 31

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I looked over at the identical set up for picture taking next to me when I heard Ari scream something.

I was ready to go all ninja if you know what I'm sayin'.

I looked over at her and saw her moth cupped my both her hands and she was burried in a man's shoulder, the man was wearing an army uniform.








Her shoulder shook and she took a step away from him as if she needed to make sure it was actually her dad. As soon as she did, she hugged him tightly once again. Many fans watched intently and some filmed what was happening. The room became silent other than Ari's crying.


"I missed you so much" I sobbed into his shoulder.

He pulled me away from his shoulder and took a look at me "I miss you too bug." He smiled and handed me a t-shirt.

"What's this?" I asked him.

He then handed me a sharpie and said "can you sign my shirt please? I've been waiting to get your merch for months!" Like a teenage girl.

I quickly signed my name and snapped a selfie with him before he made his way to jack, ava, and then walker's stations for pictures. My dad had never been one to scare off a boy and I saw him and jack getting along well since they had already met so that's a relief.

I flopped on the bed and took a deep, shaky breath. Today was one of the best days of my life. I met over 1,000 fans and my dad came home. He texted me later to tell me that he was flying back to his home in South Carolina to see his girlfriend and we met for lunch at the airport while he left. I felt bad that since I did that- I couldn't be on stage the whole time but I haven't seen my dad in forever and I think it's fair.

I was lost in my thoughts until I heard two light taps on the door of the hotel room. I lifted my head and raised a hand to my face and felt unexpected tears on my cheeks.

I walked towards the door an checked the peep hole hesitantly to see jack smiling right at me. I jumped a little at the sight of him to close up and unexpected but opened the door quickly.

"Hi!" I said and walked over I the bed while he followed. "Why didn't you text me before you came?"

He shrugged. "I didn't think you would mind."

"Maybe I do though." I replied sassily.

He took his phone out of his pocket and quickly typed something into it.

bzzzz bzzzz.

I picked my phone up off the bed side table and smirked. "Really? You tell me you're coming over now?" I laughed.

"Yup." He nodded and then his fave went serious. "Why were you crying before I got here?" He asked and pulled me onto his lap.

"I don't know. I just feel, torn." I sighed.

"Why?" He asked and kissed the top of my head lightly.

"It's just- it's just I went though that total shit phase when I could go days without eating or days without talking to someone and days I couldn't even begin to bring myself out of bed because I was so depressed and my dad came home like it was some happy surprise. Don't get me wrong- I love him and I love that he want we to surprise me but he put me through so much more than I could've home through because he didn't think about how I felt, he thought about himself and making himself look like a hero by coming home like that." I looked into jacks eyes and saw that he get sorry for me "he was MIA. You can't just do that to someone and act like nothing happened."

"Shhhhhh." He rubbed my back and tried to stop my crying.

God, I'm a mess.

"What will make you feel better?" He asked me softly.

"Do you want to watch a movie and get Chinese takeout that we can eat lout if the container like they did in the cheetah girls? I've always wanted to do that." I suggested.

He laughed at my childish references but looked up a number for Chinese. "Which movie?" He asked.

I deviously smiled at him and grabbed the remote.

"I feel like I should be scared."

"No! You'll love the choices of movie!" I assured him and answered the door because I heard a knock.

I thanked the man delivering the food and jack paid him as quickly as possible so we could watch The Notebook.

I laid my head on his chest and had one of my legs over his under the blankets while he had an arm wrapped around my waist. When the movie ended, I turned to gave him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek so I could go to bed.

Instead of my plan, he decided to make me dodge his cheek and turned his head so I would kiss his lips. He put both his hands on my waist and pulled my closer. I wrapped my arms around he neck and my fingers played loosely with his hair. He traced my bottom lips with his tongue and we made out for a few minutes until I pulled away and we rested our foreheads against each other for a minute or so.

"Goodnight beautiful." He whispered and kissed the too of my nose.

"Goodnight, I love you jack." I blushed.

"I love you too, so much Ariana, you really never will know."

A/N OMIGOD we haven't updated in forever! I'm soo sorry! I take so many hard classes and ugh Middle school was sooo much easier than high school! Don't forget to vote, follow, and comment!

Were also having a contest! Make a cover for this book or any of our other books for a shoutout! You can message it to us on here :) good luck!

Love y'all,


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2014 ⏰

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