Chapter 16

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Walker and Ava fell asleep when we were watching a movie and I could feel Ari's breathing getting heavy on my chest.

"Ari?" I say.

"Yeah?" She mumbles.

"Why didn't you ever say goodbye?" I asked her.

She rolled over to face me and said "when my mom told me we were moving, I was so upset but I didn't tell Ava until the day before because I wanted to enjoy the time I would have with you guys before I left. I was going to tell you first but when I met you at the treehouse, you told me you loved me. I was only in 6th grade and I knew I loved you too but I was so shocked."

I nodded and kept listening.

"I tried to run away from my problems." She said. "I thought if I didn't tell you I was moving, it wouldn't happen. I told Ava and before I knew it, me and my mom were driving away. And so much was happening." She buried her face into her hands. "And my dad...... He just......" And started bawling.

"Shhh baby." I rubbed her back. "It's ok."

Her breathing slowed but I could still hear her crying. I'm not even sure why she was so upset about her dad. They got divorced so long ago and she never seemed to care that much because she talks to him so often and for so long anyways.

Tomorrow, I'll try to get her kind off of things and I'll take her tubing into the lake.


I woke up in the morning with tear stains on my face and jacks arm about my waist and my head tucked into his bare chest.

I gently pulled from his grip and put a pillow in my place so he wouldn't wake up. He hugged the pillow tight and kissed the top (HAHAHAHAHA😂)

I laughed and went upstairs to shower, they won't mind.

I walked into the Ava's room and saw her picking out some clothes.

"Can I borrow some clothes?" I asked her "I'm gonna shower because I'm disgusting" I laughed.

"Sure!" She said and we picked out my outfit for the day.

I took my jean shorts, pineapple muscle tee, bra, and underwear she gave me into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I didn't bother drying my hair so I put it into a side fishtail and I decided I could go without makeup for one day.

I sat on Ava's bed and recorded a vine cover of sky scraper by Demi lavato😍🙌 while I waited for her to shower and the came out 15 minutes later wearing a lacrosse penny and soffe shorts with a side fishtail and a white bandana.

"Caniffin it." She said with a laugh and we walked downstairs to have breakfast.

We just finished out chocolate chip bagels with Nutella (😍🙌👏) when Jack and Walker came in.

"Mornin" Jack said in his morning voice😍 and gave me a hug.

"Good morning!" Me and Ava both said and put our plates into the dishwasher.

"Do you want to go tubing today?" Jack asked me.

"YAS!" I said and we both laughed.

"Just let me eat first and then we can go." He laughed and pulled the Frosted Flakes out of the cabinet.

My Best Friends Brother (A Jack Dail Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ