Chapter 12

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After I brought Ari home I sprinted down the path that was still lit up. I ran up the steps and into the house. I can not stop smiling at all. I go into the kitchen and see Ava and Walker sitting at the island.

"Why are you so happy?" Ava questions me

I respond excitedly

Ava jumped up and hugged me.
She screamed "OMIGOD!"
Walker said "congrats man"

I check my phone and its only 9 so I invite Walker to sleep over. Usually when Walker sleeps over Ava hangs with us but thats fine because that means Ari will be around me more since Ava and Ari are best friends.

We all go down to our basement. We have a big tv with a huge couch, a pool table, a pingpong table, a fridge and a shelf with all kinds of food. I ask Ava and Walker if they want to watch a movie. We decide to watch The Purge. I order the movie on demand and it starts. I look over at Ava and Walker and they're wicked focused on the movie. Its about 11:00 so I text Ari

To: Ari baby😍😘
Good night beautiful, I hope to see you tomorrow❤

From: Ari baby😍😘
Aw good night cutie! Yeah lets chill😘

Apparently Walker sees me smiling like crazy because he yells
"Hey lover boy! Why so happy?"

I yell back "Says you!" while pointing so Ava who's leaning into him.

"Whatever" he said and went back to watching the movie.

I can't wait to see Ari tomorrow.

I couldn't stop smiling this whole night. I tried to avoid my mom because I don't want to tell her yet, she's really protective of me when it comes to guys. She's has some bad experience and she and my dad divorced about 3 years ago.

Me and Jack have plans for tomorrow and I don't mind if Ava and Walker are there but I kinda hope it's just me and him.

I drift off to sleep in the middle of my following spree on twitter at like 11 oops.


I woke up to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes and maple syrup.

"YAY!" I screamed and ran down the stairs. My mom laughed and put a plate in front of my usual seat at the table and I serve myself 4 with a ton of syrup.

"Mum can I tell you something?" I ask her.

"Sure!" She says grabbing her coffee and sits across from me.

"Yesterday, Jack asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes." I told her.

She paused for a little bit and then finally said "jacks a good boy but if her breaks your heart, I will break his face." And laughs a little.

"So it's ok with you?" I ask her.

"As long as you're happy." She says and hugs me.

I run up the stairs and she yells after me "your father will be skyping you at 12!"

"Ok!" I tell back and pick out my clothes for today.

After tearing apart my closet about 103,720,473 times, I finally chose a pair of high rise acid washed jean shorts and a black vans cropped tank top.

I still have 2 hours until I skype my dad so I curl my hair and put on my concealer, mascara, and natural smokey eye. I finish at 11:30 and check my phone to see a new message from Jack.

From: awe jack💕🍍
Do you want to go to the mall with me at 1☺️

To: awe jack💕🍍
How about 1:30? I'm sorry I'm going to skype my dad at 12 and we usually take a long time😂

From: awe jack💕🍍
Sure bby I'll pick you up then😘

I go downstairs and get my laptop set up to see my dad and I get a call at exactly 12.

"Hi dad!" I say and wave to the camera.

"Hi sweetie!" He waves back "how was VidCon?!"

"It was amazing! I even got to see Ava, Jack, and Walker. They're me and moms new neighbors now!" I told him.

He laughed and said "I remember you guys wouldn't separate for 1 minute before we moved."

We both laughed again and talked about everything that's happened to me and to him since we last talked.

At 1:20, his time was up and he almost ended the call before I could ask him a quick question.

"When can you come back?" I asked him swallowing my tears.

"I don't know honey, but I hope it's soon." And with that he hung up.

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