10. Cheerleader

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I kept my eyes on her. The smile on her face disappeared as she noticed I wasn't as happy as she was. She ran her hand through her blonde hair and everything just felt really weird. Unexpected. A bit scary. Why would this coldhearted bitch want to meet me? She's a great actress, I have to admit. Making her voice sound so.. girly. Her voice is nothing like that. She has more of a mysterious, a bit raspy voice, if that's the right way to describe it.

"Wanna sit down.. Or?" she said and nodded against the bench behind us.

"Um.. yeah." I sat on the brown wooden bench. The sun was striking our eyes and I struggled with looking at her for two reasons, I couldn't stand it and the sun was bothering me.

"I figure you've got a lot to ask" she laughed.

"I figure you have a lot to say," I answered "why am I here, with you?"

"Did you really not know it was me?"

"I had no idea. Knowing your little secret and all.." I teased. I couldn't take this seriously.

"I knew she'd tell you about us" she complained. "It doesn't matter though, she's not the one for me." Everything went quiet again, I had nothing to tell her. She continued "I know you, out of all people, didn't expect to see me here. Right?"

"I did not" I honestly said. I studied her face for a while, I looked for hints and clues in it that would assure me that Quinn was messing with me. I found none. "What about Berry?"

"Who cares? I'm here for you now"

"Oh jeez. You have no heart at all.. I thought I was a bitch, but you, you take the record" I said and looked at the green eyed blonde next to me.

"I like Rachel. I was so damn obsessed with her at one point, seriously, I was crazy attached. Then you stumbled across my eyes. With your nosy, stuck up.. Brave, ways, I couldn't help but start liking you. You're so much like me"

"Oh wow, no matter how flattered I am," I sarcastically said "I still can't do that to Rachel, she's still my friend at heart. Sadly." She looked upset. Her eyes were glued on me, not once did she look away when I spoke, not even one time. "And no offense, Quinn, but you're not my type" I said just to make her feel worse.

"Right, not your type" she laughed and shook her head.

"Seriously, what is this?" I said, with a very serious tone now. "I know Rachel told you to leave me alone, and you did. Thanks.. I guess? But I don't think she meant 'pretend you're in love with her'. It's okay, we're cool now."

"Santana!" she jerked herself of the bench "I'm not messing around. I really, really like you." She was staring right into my eyes, looking down on me. "It will kill Rachel, I'm sad about that, but I care more about getting you exactly where I want you. With me" she furrowed her eyebrows as if she was angry with me.

"How do I know you're being honest?" I asked to pretend I was curious about her. It would make her spill the truth.

"Well, I'm here.. Alone, without Brittany, or anyone else"

"How do I know she or one of your other sidekicks isn't watching from a far, waiting for me to give in?"

"I'm telling you no one is watching us, it's up to you if you choose to believe me." Quinn sat down beside me again, her hand was resting on the empty space between us. I looked at it and her fingers twitched when she noticed I had my eyes on them. I looked up at her and she was looking at me, her eyes wandering through my face, she was scanning it from edge to edge. "It's hard to believe that I would ever start liking someone I from the start wanted to get rid off."

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