19. Forgive

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The weekend past really fast and Monday was already here. When I met Mercedes she wanted me to explain why I left because I didn't answer her or Brittany's texts during the whole weeknd. I didn't really know what to say, I had to come up with a good lie before saying something. So my only way out was to tell them that my grandma got sent to the hospital. I know, it was a really bad thing to lie about but it was the only thing that would sound convincing to them. I didn't want them to get mad at me, I really didn't. We sat and ate our lunch while hoping Tina wouldn't bring Rachel with her to sit with us today. It always got so awkward and weird when she was there with us, especially for me. However, no matter how hard we prayed and hoped, Rachel was with Tina anyway when she walked into the lunch room.

"You wouldn't believe what just happened to Rachel, guys!" Tina said as they sat down, Rachel just looked like she was in pain, really

"What happened?" Mercedes forced out of herself.

"Tell them, Rach!" Tina was still so excited.

"I don't feel like talking about it"

"She got yelled at by the english teacher just because she bumped into her," Tina couldn't stop laughing "and!," she took a deep breath "oh my god, it was so funny. She kept yelling at Rachel for no logical reason at all!"

Both me and Mercedes looked at each other and then at Rachel, it was obvious that Rachel didn't feel as glad about the little incident. She looked kind of upset so we saved her the embarrassment and didn't laugh.

"That's not really funny though" Mercedes said. I just ate my sandwich in silence.

"But if you saw it-"

"It wasn't funny, Tina" Rachel spoke.

"Fine, jeez. Forget it" Tina sounded annoyed.

"Thank you" Rachel grumbled.

I looked at Mercedes again and we shared looks. We both felt the awkwardness and we both knew exactly what we wanted to do - get the hell out of there. We didn't, we sat there with them for another while so we wouldn't seem like self centered bitches. As I took another bite of my sandwich, I felt someones hands on my shoulders, I turned around and faced Brittany.

"Oh, Brittany" I said and quickly swallowed the food in my mouth.

"Hey," she smiled "did everything go well on Friday?" she asked.

"Yeah," I cleared my throat "it all went fine"

"You didn't tell me what happened.. I texted you several times but you didn't answer me, I figured it was too serious to text about" she took a chair and sat down next to me.

"It was about my grandma, I don't feel like discussing it"

"That's totally fine, I understand" Brittany smiled.

I looked around to see if Quinn was anywhere to be found but she wasn't.

"Why are you here alone?" I asked, secretly asking about Quinn.

"I'm waiting for Quinn, she told me she had to talk to someone, she asked me not to come with her," she straightened her back "so I guessed I could sit with you guys until she got back. Is that okay?"

"Of course" we all nodded.

The first thing I thought about when she said that Quinn asked her not to go after her was the fact that I knew where Quinn was - she was smoking. I took my empty lunch box and threw it inside my bag. Brittany started talking to Mercedes and I was just sitting there. Silent and waiting.

"Isn't it true, San?" Mercedes said.


I felt stupid for not even hearing what they were talking about, I was so lost in my own thoughts - I was too busy. I kept thinking about how I would speak to Quinn in front of the others or how I would act around her. I was trying to prepare myself for it.

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