18. Anticipation

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I walked after Quinn and pulled her back. She stood there, her eyebrows started to crease in the middle, I didn't get if she was really pissed of at me pulling her back or if she was just shocked.

"What do you mean with flaw?"

"You're so stupid sometimes"

"Yeah, okay. Explain" I demanded.

"No" she teased.

"Come on," I said "just tell me" 

"You really don't get it?" she asked.

"I don't"

Truth is, I think I understood exactly what Quinn was saying. She was trying to find a flaw in my face because she found it.. Flawless? I believe that was it, I just needed her to say it for me to actually believe it. Becuase something twitched in my chest when she said that, she made me feel something. Again.

"Too bad" she said, turned around and started walking again.

"Quinn?" I said when I caught up with her so I stood right beside her.

"What?" she said when we reached the front of the schoolyard, where everyone hung out.

"I was thinking earlier and I really think-" 

"Santana!" I was cut off by Tina, with Rachel right beside her.

"What is it?" I asked, with a really annoyed voice.

"Weren't you going to the court to.. Stretch?" she said and looked at Quinn.

"Yeah, me and Quinn did it together" I figured she had to believe me since we're on the same team.

"You and Quinn?" she sounded like I was talking about stretching with the president or something.

"Yeah? Coach said we need to stretch in pairs now, to get to know each other" I lied.

"Yeah, will you two get the hell out of my way now?" Quinn said and shook her head, split Rachel and Tina just to walk inbetween them, I walked behind her.

"Santana!" Tina called, I just glanced back. Her face was still so confused. I said nothing and kept walking beside Quinn even though I didn't feel very welcomed to do so.

"What were you going to say?" Quinn brought it up again.

"Forget it" I said.

"Seriously?" she said, she looked at me with furious eyes and turned her face again and picked up the pace, some moments later she was long ahead of me. And I didn't run up to her this time, because I had nothing to say anymore.

I couldn't help but blaming Tina. Quinn quickly looked back once and then turned around again. I found it typical that just when I got the courage to admit to Quinn that I couldn't stay away from her anymore, someone disturbs me. The truth is, I was now more than ever being honest with myself. During practice, I felt like I wasn't really there. Coach yelled at me several times because of it. I just couldn't help it, but I also didn't want to get kicked out of the team, not yet. I got myself together at the end of the lesson and did my best to show the coach that I wasn't too bad. 

"If you people are like this next time we practice, I'll have to sell you to the damn children's team! Get the hell out of here!" coach nagged and shook her head.

We all started walking towards the locker room. I was walking right behind Brittany and Quinn was right beside her. I don't think any of them knew I was right behind them until we got into the locker room. 

"Santana, were you here all this time?" Brittany said and smiled.

"Yeah I was, didn't you notice I was at practice until now..?" I asked, a bit concerned.

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