31. Tryouts and Plans

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I ran out of bed as soon as my mother said I got a letter in the mail from the university of Philadelphia. I took quick steps until I reached the living room. I looked at the letter that would decide how the rest of my year and more would look like. I grabbed it from my mothers hands and we both just looked at it. She nudged me and gave me a comforting smile. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I was so nervous to open envelope. I was nervous I would read something that would make me upset. Finally, I opened it up and me and my mother - my father was at work, were eagerly reading it together. My eyes scanned every word carefully. When I was done with the letter, me and my mother looked at each other, I dropped the letter and jumped up in happiness. She hugged me and congratulated me. I was so happy, I was extremely happy. They welcomed me there on September the 8th. I was going back to school after the summer and for once I was happy about going to school. I was relieved. After me and my mother shared a happy moment I told her I was going to call Quinn and see if she had gotten hers yet. I walked to my room and called her up. 

"Quinn? Quinn I got into Philadelphia!"

"W-what? Really?" her voice was still tired. I figured my phone call woke her up. "I'm so happy, Santana. Congrats" she sounded really happy. 

"I'm really excited. Can't you go check if you've gotten yours yet?" 

She was quiet for some long seconds.

"Can't I do that later? I kind of want to fall back to sleep" she yawned. "What is it, like nine in the morning?"

"Quinn, it's twelve!" I sounded annoyed but there was still a laugh in my voice. "Please, pretty please can you just check?"

"Fine," she sighed "I'll be right back"

Around four minutes passed until Quinn came back. I patiently just stood in my room, fighting not to chew my nails because I was so nervous. Quinn and I had applied to the University of Philadelphia together. Our goal was that both of us got in. 

"Santana, are you there?" she said. 

"Yes?" I eagerly said.


My heart sunk at her voice. 

"Did you not get in..?" I wondered. 

She let out a loud sigh. Right after it came a giggle. After that I could imagine her smiling. 

"No, I got in" she said. "I got in!" 

"Are you serious?" I said, nearly whispered.

"Yes! Santana, we're going to the same college, just like we wished" she sounded so happy - so did I. It felt like everything was going to be perfect after that moment. 

"You have no idea how happy I am, you can't even imagine" I said as I sat down on my bed. 

"I do know. I'm as happy as you are" 

"I'm sorry I woke you up" I laughed. "I just wanted to know"

"It was worth it, I can't stop smiling" she responded. "We need to celebrate this. What are you doing later?" she asked. 

"I have no plans" 

"I'll pick you up around nine and we'll do something, I'll figure it out. Okay?" she said. 

"Okay, see you then" 

"I love you" she said before hanging up.

"And I love you" 


She parked the car outside her a park I hadn't seen before. It was very hidden and different from the usual park. I took my jacket off and she put a blanket on the grass that we could sit on. What surrounded us was a lot of tiny bushes, one of them was larger than the others. A half grown tree, some large rocks and a view of a little puddle. I had no idea what this place was but it was beyond beautiful. We sat down on the blanket and she took her bag and put it in front of her legs. 

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