21. Trapped

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It felt like I was in a cage since the date with Quinn on Friday. Not in a bad way though, but for four days, it was all I could think about. It was like sitting in a cage only Quinn had access to. I was wrapped around her finger, and for some reason, I liked it. I was happy, I was glad to be a part of her day. I was also happy she saw me for me and didn't judge me. No, she called me beautiful. She trapped me under her spell and for every single day that passed I got more and more scared that I was going there. It was scary because it was something I wasn't used to feeling a lot or even receiving. I was usually someone who intimated people - teased and scared people off. No one really wanted to date me for who I am. Back home, they wanted me because I was Santana, the popular cheerleader. Not in the new school, I changed it, I pretended in the beginning that I wasn't into cheerleading - that I wasn't once a bully. I was, and now they know, but they are still my friends. 

The school day had just ended when Quinn came over to my car before I drove away, she knocked on the window. I looked at her and winded it down. Her eyes seemed a little red, like she didn't sleep enough during the night. She looked breathless, it made me think she ran towards the car before it was too late.

"What happened?" I worried.

"God, are you avoiding me?" she asked.

"No, why would I?"

"You haven't answered my texts today or even looked after me" she said, her voice was low and hard.

"You couldn't come look for me?" I implied.

"Why didn't you answer any of my texts then?" she asked, leaning her arms on the sash.

"I forgot my phone at home"

"Oh.. I thought you ignored me" she yawned.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"I'm just fine," she removed her arms from the car sash and stood up straight "don't you worry about me" and she just walked away.

I looked at Quinn take some fast steps and her whole walk screamed 'pissed'. I stepped out of the car and followed her. I grabbed her arm and she turned around. Her face was pale, paler than usual. The hazel eyes looked lighter than always, in some way they looked shinier. The blood cracked eyes were simply just unhappy.

"Quinn, talk to me"

"I'm not happy about you being so close with Brittany"

And then it hit me. Quinn had seen me with Brittany earlier during the day. Me and her were sitting outside in the sun when Brittany took my hand and told me she wanted to compare our skin tones. From that, it went to her comparing the differences of our hands. The size, the fingers.. Everything. It made us laugh a lot. It may have looked like something flirty was going on from Quinn's point of view, even though it wasn't. I understood her jealousy. Still, she had nothing to do with mine and Brittany's friendship.

"What makes you say that?" I asked even though I was almost sure why.

"You know I'm not blind," she turned around, letting me face her back "I can see that you like her"

"Just because we played with each others hands?" I asked.

"Why would you even?" she turned around.

"Why does it bother you?"

"Because I don't like the thought of someone else touching you" she looked right into my eyes, trapping me yet again.

"Really?," I looked right back into the angry eyes "last time I checked we weren't even a couple. Why do you care who I touch and not touch. You have no right"

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