28. Sleepover

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Silence. That was it. We sat in my room. The walls would start talking if they could to cover up the silence between us two. My parents had to go sleep at my grandmothers house. At first, it was only my mom who was going. My dad saw how miserable she was and decided to accompany her. And since he is a doctor, it could be helpful. I, of course, stayed at home. I know I said I would visit her with my parents the next time they went. But.. It was an emergency, she had just gotten home from an unexpected visit at the hospital and she couldn't be alone, for her own good. I called Quinn as soon as my parents left and she came over directly. She didn't even hesitate or ask me why. She just came. I was happy to have her with me even if we just sat quiet on my bed. 

"Talk to me about it" she said, taking out a cigarette. I ususally wouldn't allow someone to smoke in my room but I couldn't care less that moment. "You'll feel better, I promise" 

"I just don't know what to say" I sighed. 

"You're sad. I can see it"

"Of course I'm sad, Quinn" I jeered. "I'm so worried about her" 

"She'll make it.. If she's your grandmother I bet she's strong woman" the corners of her mouth curved. She took a long puff and looked back at me. She went up to open the window. She ashed the cigarette out the window, leaning  her elbows on the windowsill. "I'm here for you, no matter what happens" she said.

"I know you are" I didn't feel like talking much. And I knew it was obvious.


"Look," she butted the only half smoked cigarette on the outside of the house from the window and threw it out. I would have to explain that for my parents if they saw the cigarette outside my window "maybe you need to get out" she sat down beside me again.

"Out? Now?," I said "do I really look like I should be going out?" 

"I'm just saying, it might make you feel better. Christopher, I don't know if you remember him-"

"Oh I do" I sassed.

"Well yeah," she smiled "everyone is hanging out at his place.. We can go if you want to? I thought about stopping by later anyway" 

"Quinn.." I fought to speak.

"What? I'm trying to make you happier.."

"Then just stay here. Don't go anywhere" I looked at the still face.

"That's what you want?" 

"Yes. It's the only thing I want. Just stay, will you?"

"Okay" she held my hand. "I'll stay"  

"Thank you" I mumbled. 

"Do you want me make you something to eat?" she offered.

"I'm fine," I said "I know you only can cook chicken" 

"Well, I can try" she laughed. 

"It's okay. I'm not hungry" 

Silence took over again. I was exhausted becuase of all the feelings. The worst thing about it was that they were mixed up. I had no control over them. They were unorganized. I felt like sleeping, my head became so heavy - or it felt like it did. I just wanted to lay down. I leaned back and rested my back and head on the bed. Everything from the knees and down was hanging outside the edge of the bed. Quinn was still holding my hand. After I gave her one look she laid down beside me. The exact same position. We were just two hand holding - roof staring teenagers at the moment. Long moments of pure silence passed. Both of us stared up at nothing, at emptiness. She took a harder grip of my hand. I couldn't help but always feel so damn safe whenever she was with me. Even though to others, Quinn was mean, she had bad habits or did stupid things.. To me, she was just Quinn. She wasn't mean or someone who did stupid things.. She was just that one girl who in a twisted, unexpected way stole my heart.

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