25. One

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Dinner was very silent with my parents. My dad cooked for us and decided he wanted the whole family to gather around and spend some quality time.

"How's grandma?" I asked.

"Abuela is.. we're hoping it'll be better. I don't know, honey" she said. 

It was obvious that it was hard for my mother to speak about my grandmother being sick. Even though me and her weren't in the best place, I was worried. I didn't want to lose her, she was still a big part of my life. All the times she took care of me and all our memories weren't something I could forget and throw out the window just because she had problems with me when I came out. Of course, I still wanted her to be a part of my life.. Especially when she was sick. 

After another long moment of silence, I tried to find the courage to admit to my parents that I was dating Quinn. It would be easier. I thought that if all my friends knew - why not my parents too? I chewed on the little piece of chicken in my mouth and cleared my throat to get their attention. 

"Mom, dad.. You know, um" I swallowed a lump in my throat "I have this friend - Quinn"

"And?" my dad looked up from his plate. 

"We're, like.. She's my," I stopped and looked at my mom and then back at my dad, they looked like they were going to explode - maybe because it took me a long time to get to the point "she's more than that to me, you know, more than just a friend" I said.

They both looked at each other for a short while until their straight faces turned into smiles and they let out little laughs. 

"We assumed" my mother said. 

"It's not like we didn't suspect it - going out to meet a friend at 10pm, in the park, almost every night - not something that sounds very friendly" my father laughed.

"Some people do that, you know? It doesn't have to mean they're a couple" I sassed.

"It's not like that in this case, though" my mother teased. "Look, honey," she took my hand "you know we let you date whoever you want. Do you like her a lot?"

"I love her" 

"You love her?" my dad said. "That's big" a smile grew on his lips as he continued eating.

"I'm very happy to hear that.. Is she nice to you?"

"She's perfect, mom" 

"Well, invite her here for dinner sometime. I'd love to meet her, so would your father" she smiled and continued eating as well.

It wasn't that horrible. I don't know why, but in my head that moment I expected it to be awful. I was happy that was over. Everyone knew and me and Quinn could just be together without worrying. Nothing could stand in our way.

When we were finished with dinner, I helped my parents with the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen and went to my room to get ready for my meeting with Quinn. It took me less than twenty minutes to change into a pair of jeans and a tight t-shirt. I let my hair out of the bun it was into and combed through it before borrowing my mothers keys and leaving. When I was finally done, I started driving. I reached the parking lot and there she was. 

"I told my parents about us" I said to her as we reached the spot.

"Oh," she smiled "how did they react?" 

"They were really cool about it" I said. We sat on the usual bench. Weirdly, it was always empty when we got the same exact spot, it was faith that we were supposed to sit there. 

"My parents wouldn't care if I had a girlfriend, though" she continued.

"Why not?" 

"I don't know, they just wouldn't.. Or I think so, I never told them about any of my girlfriends" 

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