24. Graduation

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Every single day when I wasn't with Quinn, I started feeling the lump of anxiety growing in my chest. Quinn became something I needed with me all the time, she became, I'm afraid to admit, my whole world. And it was all shocking because it felt like it happened so damn fast. One second I was worried about her seeing me in the hallways and the other I yearned for the moment she approached me. I was happy about it, yet shocked. Shocked about the fact that I couldn't function properly without her being with me. Everything from the past, the feelings, the depressions.. The urge to hurt myself - it all surrounded my thoughts until I got to see Quinn. And I didn't want to be depressed, I wanted to get better. So, that made me build some kind of obsession towards her. 

On June the 5th, we graduated high school. It was a relief. We had the whole summer ahead of us and after that, we were going to college. Hopefully, me and Quinn would get into the same university. Otherwise, if our schools were far away from each other, I wouldn't know how to react or respond. It would be hard to handle. We said our goodbyes after listening to all speeches, getting up and being handed our degree and diplomas - everyone ran out of school like a bunch of hype people, throwing the caps up in the air. I can't lie, it was nice to watch my friends there. They all looked so happy. Rachel with her boyfriend, Tina and Mercedes. And last but not least, Brittany. Quinn and I, we were like always, not very into the mainstream habits. We stood inside school still while everyone probably thought we were out there. She took her cap off, as did I. It was funny seeing Quinn in the blue academic dress and the cap. It was something new. I giggled at the sight of her and reached for her hand as the hallways emptied. 

"Well, Santana, congratulations on your graduation" she jokingly smiled.

"Well congrats to you too, Quinn" I laughed.

"Here's an idea," Quinn put on a big smirk "why not go out there to your friends and Brittany.. You know, just stand there with them" she paused to make sure I was listening. "And kiss"

"What?" I said.

"Yeah, I don't want this graduation to be about school only, that's a bit boring don't you think?"

"We just stand there and kiss?," I laughed "that's not right. It would be shocking to the entire school that Quinn Fabray came out as a lesbian with the "new" girl on graduation day.."

"Who says I'm not already out?"

"The whole school knows you're gay?" I jeered.

"Look, who gives a crap? We won't ever come back here. Let's give them something to remember" Quinn smiled at me.

"I guess you're right" I agreed.

We walked out and looked around for my group of friends and Quinn's.. Brittany. The outside of school was very crowded, families and teachers and not to mention all the students. It was packed. But, the school had a big front. We finally spotted them and walked over there. When they saw us, everyone waved and smiled widely. The only two people who didn't move were Rachel and her boyfriend. They exchanged words quickly with the group and left. I couldn't care less. We stood with them and Tina's mother came to take a photo of her and her friends. Which in that case was us. Quinn of course, stepped aside and Tina's mother took the picture. My parents went to pick up my grandfather  from the airport right after the main graduation inside the aula in school so they weren't there. The other girls parents were standing together in a clique and just watching us - or watching their children.

"I'm so happy," Brittany spoke "I have been waiting for this for so long" the blonde smiled, letting her entire face glow.

"Who hasn't? The only thing to worry about now is the letter" Mercedes said, referring to the college applience letters.

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