16. Dark cloud

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A whole day after my meeting with Quinn, thinking about what she said and all, I decided it's time to get back to school. I noticed how much I lost by not going to school. I missed my friends, I missed going out. After nearly two weeks of not being sick and staying in all the time, you get bored. Even though I was still kind of upset about things, I hadn't touched my skin in a harmful way ever since the day I met with Quinn. So I guess that was good. I didn't even find the blade yet either, which was probably only a good thing. When I forgave Quinn, I felt much better. It felt like I had officially let go of everything that was behind me and her and that I could finally focuse on the future - without her in it. I woke up the Monday after the weekend and for once in a very long time, I woke up without being angry about the fact that I woke up. I was going to school not looking like a mess. I didn't want to, everyone didn't have to know how I felt, they could think I was okay again if I only acted like I was. One thing left my shoulders, there was only all the other things to fight and win over. When I got to school on Monday, I went to all lessons without skipping or being late to any - to make up for my lost time. After math, I decided to look for Brittany during my long break. I wanted to tell her we were okay, so she wouldn't keep texting me, telling me she's sorry for something she hasn't done. All I would ask for her to explain was why she left my room when she found the blood stain on my pants. After ten minutes of looking and asking for her, I was told she was outside by one of the girls from the cheerleading team, I think her name was Christine. I went outside and even though it was nearly summer, the wind was cold. It hit my legs and arms, it made my body shiver. I looked around and there she was. Sitting right next to Quinn, discussing. When I started walking towards them, they first didn't notice me but when Quinn looked up, she saw me coming towards them. A smile showed upon her face.

"Hey" she said.

"Brittany, can I talk to you?" I ignored Quinn. She chuckled.

"Um..," Brittany looked up at me and stood up "sure"

"Alone?" I asked, looking at Quinn.

"I'll leave" she said and quickly walked over to one of the benches on the other side. I was surprised she didn't fight back.

"What's up?" Brittany said.

"I just wanted to tell you we're okay.. Sorry for ignoring you before" I looked up.

"I mean.. Did I do something? Was that why you ignored me? Was it because I left your place just like that.. I-" she kept babbling.

"Brittany, calm down" I cut her off and smiled. "It's not because you left, I'll ask you about that soon" I lightly laughed. She smiled back. "I ignored you because I had been texting with someone I thought was you everyday for a whole week.."

"What? Are you serious? Santana, I'm so sorry.. I had no idea, I swear" she raised her hand and placed it on my shoulder, her lips changed from a smile to a little pout.

"It's okay, it's not your fault" I said to save her the sympathy.

"Who was it? Did you find out?"

"I did. We've talked about it already"

"Who was it then?" she asked.

"It's not important" I didn't want to tell her it was Quinn. I didn't know Brittany that well and I didn't know how she would react.

"Was it Quinn?" she nearly whispered and lowered her head to my height.

"It doesn't matter, Brittany" I smiled, from that, I was almost sure she knew it was Quinn.

"Alright.." she half smiled back at me and removed her hand from my shoulder.

The sun from behind me was striking her eyes so she narrowed them but yet the clear blue colour was perfectly visible, even with her eyes small. It was distracting. It was hard to look at anything else but her eyes sometimes, not that I wanted to stare into them, it's just really hard not to.

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