17. Mixed

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Weeks passed and after a while Quinn stopped trying so hard. She just left me alone, looked at me a lot, but didn't speak to me. Brittany on the other hand had been speaking to me now and then. We even hung out outside school three times, I think. Not alone though, she always came along with me and Mercedes. I wanted to ask Brittany if Quinn had asked about me, a part of me was really worried that she had stopped caring about me ignoring her. And I didn't understand why.. I thought I would be happier than ever that she started leaving me alone. I guess I was just too used to being followed around by her, and too used to hearing her voice every day. It was just something I adjusted to, something I expected to happen in my weekday. 

While me, Brittany and Mercedes were on our way home, we sat inside the car as Mercedes drove us home. I was in the front beside Mercedes and Brittany was in the back. We had been shopping for a dress for Mercedes, she had a wedding to go this weekend and she wanted company to look for a good looking one. After a couple of hours, we found it, the perfect dress. First, Brittany wouldn't come with us of course but she had texted me the night before, asking if I wanted to hang out the day after so instead of turning her down I just invited her to tag along with us. However, the drive home wasn't too long, around a twenty minute ride. I kept thinking of a way to bring Quinn up and not sound interested in her at all, but that wouldn't work. I mean, if I mention her, they'd understand. So I decided not to care and just go for it. Really, who cares what they think. 

"Hey, Brittany?" I said, looking back at her.

"Yeah?" she turned her face from looking out the window, to me.

"Can I ask you something?" I noticed that what I said caught Mercedes attention.

"Sure" Brittany said.

"Do you still, you know, hang out with Quinn? I mean, outside school..," I asked, both Brittany and Mercedes looked weirdly at me "I'm just wondering because you're hanging out with us, wouldn't she have a big problem with that..?" I tried to save myself from looking like an idiot. 

"We do hang out, sometimes, yeah" she said. "And no, she doesn't care anymore" Brittany added and I felt like someone grabbed my heart and squeezed it.

"O-oh.." I said "I guess that's good"

When we reached Brittany's place and she was going to step out, she stopped and looked at me for a moment. I didn't really get her point but then she asked me if I could step out with her. She wanted to ask me something. I could feel the nervosity grow in my chest. She walked out of the car and I opened the door to do the same thing.

"What the hell is going on.." Mercedes mumbled to herself, but yet looking at me.

I walked over to where Brittany was standing, right by the apartment building. She was standing there and I tried to see if she looked angry or anything but she didn't. Her face was neutral.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Look, Santana.. Are you okay?" she started.

"Yeah.. Why?"

Brittany looked nervous, as if she was going to tell me about someone's death or something. I didn't understand where she was going with it all. I stood there and waited for her to answer but she didn't say anything. I started to get bored of just standing there, and also, it was rude to make Mercedes wait too long. At last, her mouth started to open and she was going to say something but she stopped herself, I gave her a furrowed look and tried to make her speak without saying anything myself.

"I just, I think you miss her" she finally spoke.

"You think I miss who?" I asked.

"Quinn.." she said, she was looking down on the ground beneath her shoes. Her face didn't look too happy.

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