26. Confession

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We were just done watching the movie. Me, Brittany and Mercedes. It was so boring to watch I almost fell asleep. Brittany had to nudge me every ten minutes. Mercedes went into the bathroom and me and Brittany waited for her outside. We hadn't seen each other in two weeks - since graduation. We thought it was time to hang out since we hadn't done it in a long while. 

"Can I talk to you, quick before Mercedes comes back?" she rushed.

"Um, sure"

"I've been meaning to tell you this before - I just never had the chance, or courage"

"Yeah...?" I answered.

Brittany stopped talking for some seconds, she just looked at me, her eyes were scanning my whole face. I looked at the door to see if Mercedes was coming. Sadly, she wasn't. It was getting so awkward, none of us spoke and Brittany was just staring at me. 

"What is it?" I spat out.

"Okay.. Okay, Santana, I really l-"

And Mercedes finally came back.

"The line to the damn toilet was longer than God knows what" she complained. "What's going on here, y'all look like you're about to throw up" she laughed.

"We were just about to come look for you" Brittany lied. "Let's go"

We stepped into Brittany's car and I sat next to her, Mercedes sat on the backseat. Brittany and Mercedes were talking the whole way but I was just quiet. We dropped Mercedes off and we were alone again. I tried avoiding to start a conversation - it was awkward. I had a feeling I knew what she wanted to tell me.

"Santana," she said when we were some minutes away from my house "can I continue what I was going to say before..?"

"Sure" I forced out.

"Okay.. Look, I'm.. I really," she stopped again "this isn't easy" she nervously laughed. "Okay, okay. Bottom line is, Santana, I have feelings for you"

I didn't say something to her. I just kept looking forward out the window. I tried to take it in slowly so I wouldn't react in a way that would be unfair to her. I tried to stay calm and push Quinn's voice out of my head "she has a crush on you, I swear" I hated that she was right about it. I took a deep breath and faced Brittany.

"Are you okay with that? I'm not saying we have to be more than friends right now - I know you're with Quinn, I understand that.. It's just that I couldn't hold it in. I've been feeling like this for a long while now" 

"Brittany, it's okay. I'm fine with it, I'm not going to avoid you because of it. I just need you to understand that we will never be more than just friends, okay? I'm really sorry"

"So you're not mad at me?" she asked and pulled into my driveway.

"I'm not mad at you, Brittany" I said. 

She stopped the car and I was just about to take a step out of the car when she pulled me back. Her hand grabbed me by the wrist and I stopped. 

"Wait," she said "you can't be sure unless you know what it feels like to be with me" 

Her hands cupped my face - not the same way Quinn usually did it - I felt her lower lip press harder against mine. Our lips were entangled for less than ten seconds and I pushed her off me. 

"What the hell are you doing?" I loudly said.

"I-," she put her hands back on the dial "I suppose you didn't enjoy that as much as I did.." she tried smiling at me. 

"That was disrespectful, you know that right?" I said and crossed my arms. "Aren't you supposed to be Quinn's best friend? Is this something you do, go around kissing your bestfriends girlfriends?" 

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