34. Nineteen

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"Okay.. Keep your eyes closed" I said. 

"They're closed, I can't see shit!" she giggled. 

I held her hand and directed her to the 3D space room. I opened the door, looking back to make sure her eyes were still closed. I walked her in and let her stand right where I put the blanket. The room was dark, the only source of light we had was from the "stars" on the roof and the walls. The room was usually for showing how a little bit of space looks like - so my idea was to bring Quinn there and we could watch the fake stars together. In private. I carefully helped her sit down and pressed play on the stereo. The mixtape she made me played. 

"Open your eyes" 

Her reaction was exactly what I was hoping for. She widened her eyes, scanning the dark - subdued room. She raised her hands and covered her mouth, as she lowered them again a smile grew on her lips. I sat down right beside her just to get a better look of her face.

"Santana.. This, it's so.. I'm speechless" 

"Happy Birthday, Quinn" I pulled out her gift from my bag. 

"You really didn't have to do this.." her smile was still there. "Thank you" 

She slowly opened the little box up and picked out what was in it. She took the ring out. She blankly stared at my face. Her mouth opened but then closed again. 

"It's a promise ring" I commented. 

"Santana, this looks so expensive.." she looked down at the silver ring that was laying on her palm. 

"It doesn't matter. I wanted to show you that I will always be faithful, that I'll be yours for as long as you'll have me, Quinn" I took the ring in my hands and put it on the middle finger of her left hand. "This way no one will think you'll engaged" I chuckled. 

"I don't know what to say" her face was glowing from happiness. I felt fulfilled at last, I felt complete. 

"You don't have to say anything," I smiled and took her face in my hands "all I've ever wanted ever since you snatched my heart is to see that smile on your lips.. That's the only thing I want. A smile on your lips" 

She sat closer next to me and brought her head closer to mine, leaning in for a moment of magic. She rested her hand on my shoulder and the other one was lightly pressed against my chest. With a long stare into my eyes, she pressed the smooth, baby-soft lips against mine - making me feel like I really was in space, another galaxy. Another world. Slowly, I leaned back with her following my lead to not stop the kiss. Soon, she was right on top of me. The kiss got deeper, more passionate - it felt in someway new. I got another type of butterflies, another type of happiness. I was obsessed with the taste of her touch. She pulled away and rolled over to my left side. She laid there with her hand intertwined with my own, watching the outstanding view. I looked over to my side and looked at her watching the fake - convincing - stars. A face like hers was something I would never in a million years want to look away from, even if it was for a couple of seconds - even if it was to look at the stars. At least not that moment, I wanted to see her be amazed by it. I forced myself to look away from her to look at the clock. We had plenty of time left. Not even once had Quinn looked away from the view. She was absolutely stunned. I brought her hand up and looked at the ring in her hand - it looked great. She was right, it was expensive but nothing could stand in the way for me when I wanted something done.. Not when it came to Quinn. I was too determined. Even though she could be more than rude, more than plain mean sometimes  or  "a bad influence on me" - it didn't stand in the way for me to picture her perfect. As blinded as she was from her addiction, I was blinded by her. 

"Santana?" she said, finally looking at me. "I want to talk to you about something" 

"What? Did I do something wrong?"

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