49| project 1

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Walking into the decor center, Y/n grabbed her regular muffin and tea out the machine before actually going to class.

"You're late."

"I don't care. I still came." Taking a seat, she began munching on her snacks until everyone finally showed up.

Closing the door, the small class began taking notes. Y/n was currently attending a community college, being she had a hometown job.

"Y/n, can you come see a minute?" Getting up from her comfortable chair , the girl made her way to the main desk.

"Yes?" The woman handed her a paper with a B+ written in the top corner.


"This is an easy class. This was the easiest essay we wrote on." Y/n rolled her eyes, scoffing at her words. She wasn't the type to talk or even pay attention to what anyone else was doing.

"Well, maybe I don't need this class. I do this for service hours. Maybe you should look back at these stupid ass people's grades and compare them to mine." She walked back to her seat, writing her name on her test, turning it in.

"I don't think I'm stupid." Y/n turned to her left, hearing the words of someone next to her; Keith.

"Everyone, turn your papers in, times up." The students turned in tests as Y/n went to stand up by the door, ready to exit.

"As you know, we have a field trip to Alabama coming up. You each will be assigned to an individual to spend the weekend with." Couples began mingling in excitement while Y/n stood at the door, thinking what color her nails were gonna be.

Looking across the room, Y/n spotted Keith's white eyeballs looking at her. They locked eyes for a while, that is until she was interrupted by Mrs. Amanda shaking the clear jar in her face.

"Pick a name."

"Do I have to?"

"Do you want service hours?" Jerking a white slip out the jar, she crumpled it up, throwing it in her pocket. Keith's eyes were now on the board ahead of him.

"And you have?" Opening the slip, Y/n read the permanent name in black.

"Kyle." The Caucasian boy smiled from across the room, Y/n exchanging one.

"And you have?" The woman was now onto Keith.

"Jolie." Keith sent a wave to the girl as she began walking to him. Y/n's heart fumed as she watch the two interact. Keith's eyes landed back to her presence standing by the door.

'Ding' The bell rung, signaling it was time to go home. Y/n pushed the door open as it flew into the wall. Y/n couldn't stand Keith, but she wanted to smash the girl's head into a million pieces.

Keith was a quiet kid, and that's what she liked about him, but the field trip was going to be a pretty long week with them being with different genders.

This part is kinda off or whatever, you'll have to understand in part 2❤

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