Chapter 22

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"Soooo, how are thing's going?" Lilah asked, it was Saturday evening and we were on our way to Matt's house, I was hoping she wouldn't be too pissed when she saw Jimmy there.

"What thing's?" I asked, knowing exactly what she was talking about.

"Oh Ana, please, don't play dumb with me, with Matt."

I smiled and thought about last night. "Fine."

"Oh my god Ana, did you sleep with him already, you whore." Lilah said, hitting my arm.

"No I did not, thank you very much."

She looked at me while I drove. "Judging by that look on your face Ana, I'd say it crossed your mind."

"Can we change the subject please, my sex life is not up for discussion."

She pulled a face at me and laughed. "Sorry."

We pulled up at Matt's house and got out.

"I'm not sure why you two want me hanging around, I'm sure you have better thing's to do." She said giggling.

I rolled my eye's at her and rang the doorbell, from inside we heard Jimmy laughing.

"Ana, please don't tell me he is here." She was glaring at me.

"I had no idea, I swear." I hated lying.

"Come in. It's open." Matt called out.

I opened the door and Lilah and I went inside, Lilah was a little hesitant but I kind of pulled her in.

Jimmy laughed again. "They're drunk." Lilah hissed "That's his drunk laugh."

Well I hoped not, but as we entered the living room, Matt and Jimmy were sprawled on armchairs and indeed appeared to be drunk.

"Hey." Matt said as we walked in.

"What the fuck." Jimmy said.

Well this wasn't turning out how I'd hoped.

Lilah walked straight past them, obviously getting a drink for herself. I sat down. I looked at both of them and Matt winked at me, I smiled, trying not to appear as pissed off as I felt.

Lilah walked back in with a beer and threw herself down on the couch next to me, giving Jimmy a filthy look.

"So, what did you girl's do today?" Matt asked, smiling at me. Him and his stupid smile, I really wanted to stay angry at him, but I couldn't.

"Well we know what you two clowns have been doing." Lilah said, indicating to the empty bottles.

"Yeah well we've been discussing band stuff anyway." Jimmy snapped at her.

Oh boy, this really wasn't going well.

"Oh I'm sure." I'd never seen Lilah so pissed.

"Who cares right? We're here now, we should have something to eat or something." Matt was obviously trying to divert them.

"No, fuck her." Jimmy said "We were actually discussing the tour."

Tour? They were going on tour?

"And how wild those girl's in South America are."

I sat there, slightly shocked, but doing my best not to appear so, I mean Matt hadn't mentioned anything to me, but then again why should he, it wasn't like I was his girlfriend or anything.

"As if they'd put up with your shit anyway." Lilah said, slamming her beer on the table.

"You'd be surprised, and I can't wait to take your ex out on the town Ana." Now he was looking at me.

My ex? Jacob? What the fuck.

"Huh?" Great reply Ana, awesome.

"Can you two shutup." Matt interrupted, glancing at me.

"No, fuck you Matt." Lilah snapped "Well lucky you, you got new kids to play with, have fun with that you fucking prick."

She grabbed my arm. "We're leaving."

Yeah, we were leaving, because right now I felt like the biggest idiot in the world, at least I knew why Marley had called the other day, to tell me about this.

"Ana, wait." Matt said.

I looked at him, trying not to appear as hurt as I felt "Obviously this isn't turning out how I'd hoped." I meant this evening, but I also meant me and him.

"I can't fucking believe you." Lilah said to Matt and she pulled me to the front door.

"Bye bitch." Jim yelled, well that was nice.

"Fuck." Lilah yelled as we got in the car "What an asshole, I hate him." and she started crying.

I drove away stunned, I felt like an idiot. I'd made a complete fool out of myself over him, and they were sitting there laughing about it. Oh I bet Jacob thought it was hilarious too.

I felt a tear slide down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away.

"I'm sorry Ana." Lilah cried "I really am."

I looked at her and shrugged. "I shouldn't have expected anything different Lilah, I mean honestly."

We drove back to my place, both feeling like idiot's.

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