a bull in a china shop

33 4 0

i stumble as i walk
my words are slurred
my mouth feels numb
and my head is spinning.

my fingers feel frozen
my stomach is hurting
my eyes are burning
and three cups were one too many.

bright lights
a blindingly white room
and muffled, but panicked, voices.

my heart is pounding
my blood is rushing in my ears
they say i'm slap happy
yes, that's a good excuse.

i'm trying to speak
but words are failing me
i don't know english.

spots and blobs are dancing in my vision
i'm losing my grip
on what, i'm wondering.

blackness is beginning to seep in
at the corners of my world.
it continuously pushes forward and draws back,
like the pushing and pulling of the tides.

and then the world is sideways
there's something cold on my skin
the floor, i realize, but a bit too late.
it's high tide
and i can't swim.

too much, too much, my head screams.
no, no, says my heart.
not enough, not nearly enough, it screams.

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