maybe we would find ourselves again.

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and maybe if we could go back
to that place that time forgot
maybe we would find ourselves again.

maybe if we could go back to that same carnival that one summer
where the lights shone and the night never died
maybe we would find ourselves again.

maybe if we could go back to that same house
that same trampoline
that same night
that the world and time forgot
where the sky was stained hues of clementine and gold and crimson
maybe we would find ourselves again.

maybe if we could go back to those summer nights
all of them
when the sky was forever tattooed that way
and we would laugh and play into the night
and one and two and three am
would slip past us like water slipping through soft fingers
maybe we would find ourselves again.

maybe if we could go back to those nights that he came home
where the lights would be off but the headlights were on
and i would run into his arms under the cover of a thousand stars
maybe we would find ourselves again.

maybe if we could go back to those nights
where we built train tracks in the spare room
constructing, creating, forever happy
maybe we could find ourselves again.

maybe if we could go back to that night
where the sky was fuchsia and lavender
and all that could be seen was the town's clock tower in the distance
and the silhouette
of a girl on horseback
ready to save the world

maybe if we could go back to the night they graduated
where we met in the bathroom and the other women smiled as we hugged and reunited after seven years
where your smile was the brightest i'd ever seen it and your eyes shone with the essence of nostalgia and wonder and childhood and you were just radiating hope
maybe we could find ourselves again.

and maybe
just maybe
if we went back to that day
that she told me to change the channel
where the sky was the colors of the sea
maybe i would find myself again.

and maybe
just maybe
if we went back
to the first episode
of the first season
maybe we would find ourselves again

because maybe those are the places
that time forgot.

because those days
were golden.

but now we're out of the limelight and we're hiding in our tears
behind a wall of ice made of our fears

and so maybe if we could go back to those days that time forgot
maybe we could find home

maybe we would find ourselves again

and maybe
just maybe
for one last time
we could remember

remember what it is like
to be

maybe we would find ourselves again.

under the cover of a trillion stars shining with the purpose of forgotten memories of abandoned people
stories told only under the darkness in whispers of old
maybe we could find ourselves again

maybe if i could experience it again
maybe we would find ourselves again

maybe if i
maybe if

maybe we would find ourselves again
instead of whatever you would call
this pathetic broken shell of a human being

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