skinned knees

4 1 0

you crave that blade

like a drug addict craves cocaine

something to get your blood pumping

something to get your heart pounding

and you'll tell yourself,

just this once, i won't do it again

all the while knowing damn well that was a lie

because your eyes are bloodshot

and something inside you is screaming

i need it, i need it, please do it again

and not because it'll take the stress away

but because you just want to feel it

you just want to feel yourself bleed

feel something

other than pain and anger

because it gets suffocating

and you'll pull your head from above the waves

only to have another crash right back down

all that work, for nothing

and you think yourself harley quinn after a while

because you'll end up doing it for fun.

they all do, you're no different

and you can convince yourself you are

but in the end, you'll fall

those wings you think you have control of

control you

you can't control that which is wild

and one day while you're flying

soaring so high, feeling the wind through your hair

you'll find yourself suddenly falling

your limp body hitting the ground and breaking

almost like your heart

this is my heartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora