starry night

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you have scars scattered across your body
like you're the midnight sky and they're the stars

but people will look at you during the day and tell you,
i'm more experienced because i'm older.
and you'll want to smack some sense into them with your burning hand
they don't get it
they don't get it
they just don't get it
the stars only shine at night

so when you tell me i am not extraordinary
i tell you neither is the sun yet it burns everyday to live
i tell you these flowers are small and fragile but they're hard to pull out of the ground aren't they?
i tell you these branches have been formed over maybe a thousand years
and you complain to me that the leaves are too spineless

you don't get it
they don't get it
they just don't get it

they think the stars are naive
but they are the ones that burn

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